8. Malfunction code Field Service Ver. 2.0 May 200856ZU-603Troubleshooting8.2 Solution8.2.1 C1005: ZU communication error8.2.2 C1130: 1st stopper motor drive failureRelevant electrical partsZU control board (ZUCB)Step ActionWIRING DIAGRAMControl signalLocation(Electricalcomponent)1Disconnect and then connect the powercord. Turn OFF the main power switch, waitfor 10 sec. or more, and turn ON the mainpower switch.— —2 Rewrite firmware using the compact flashcard. — —3 Change ZUCB — —Relevant electrical parts1st stopper motor (M2)1st stopper home sensor (PS3)ZU control board (ZUCB)Step ActionWIRING DIAGRAMControl signalLocation(Electricalcomponent)1Check the motor and sensor connectorsfor proper connection, and correct asnecessary.— —2Check the connector of each motor forproper drive coupling, and correct as nec-essary.— —3 PS3 I/O check, sensor check ZUCB CN4-11 (ON) C-54 M2 operation check ZUCB CN15-1 to 6 C-35 Change M2 — —6 Change ZUCB — —Service Manual Y107910-0