TC--C2 COMPACT TROLLEY 85 MANOEUVRING & TRANSPORTATION5.1 The trolley has two diagonally located braked castors. Ensure both brakes are applied prior to use. Before attempting tomove the trolley, ensure both brakes are released.5.2 Always manoeuvre the trolley using the handle provided on the rear of the trolley.NOTEDo not use the guard rails to manoeuvre the TC--C2 as damage to the guard rails may result.5.3 Before attempting to move the trolley outside the operating room, ensure that:(1) the endoscope is removed from the scope hanger and the scope pole is secured in its lowest position.(2) the monitor securing strap is correctly attached and is secure.5.4 Whilst every care has been taken to maximise the stability of this product, care must be exercised when moving it,particularly over uneven surfaces or trailing cables, to avoid tipping.5.5 It is recommended that the TC--C2 is manoeuvred over lips or door thresholds diagonally, that is one castor at a time, tominimise the potential for tipping.NOTENote that repeated transportation over uneven surfaces may result in damage to the equipment carried on theTC--C2.6 CARE, STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE6.1 Care(1) Clean the trolley with a soft cloth or gauze moistened with a neutral detergent, then wipe over with a clothdampened with 70% alcohol.CAUTIONDo not allow any fluids into contact with electrical equipment installed on the trolley.Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaning materials on the trolley.Ensure all surfaces are thoroughly dried before reusing the trolley.VISY218