ENShooting at magnifications higher thanoptical zoom without reducing theimage quality [FINE ZOOM]K CAMERA MENU FINE ZOOM: P A S M r ISubmenu 2 ApplicationOFF Only optical zoom is used to zoom infor shooting.ONOptical zoom and image croppingare combined to zoom in for shooting(up to 39×).This function will not reduce the imagequality since it dose not convert the datawith fewer pixels into the data with largerpixels.When set to [ON], [IMAGE SIZE] is limitedto [I] or lower.When set to [ON], [DIGITAL ZOOM] iscanceled automatically.[FINE ZOOM] is not available when[% SUPER MACRO] (p. 24) is selected.Shooting at magnifications higher thanoptical zoom [DIGITAL ZOOM]K CAMERA MENU DIGITAL ZOOM: P A S M r I ASubmenu 2 ApplicationOFF Only optical zoom is used to zoom infor shooting.ONOptical zoom and digital zoom arecombined to zoom in for shooting(Still pictures: Approx. 130x (max.),Movies: Approx. 78x (max.)).When set to [ON], [FINE ZOOM] is canceledautomatically.[DIGITAL ZOOM] is not available when[% SUPER MACRO] (p. 24) is selected.Selecting the range for measuring thebrightness [METERING]K CAMERA MENU METERING: P A S M r ASubmenu 2 ApplicationESPShoots to obtain a balancedbrightness over the entire screen.(Meters the brightness at the centerand surrounding areas of the screenseparately.)5 (spot)Shoots the subject at the centerduring backlighting. (Meters thebrightness within the AF target markonly.)4 (centerweighted)Shoots without being affected bythe surrounding brightness. (Metersa wide range based on the centersection of the screen.)When set to [ESP], the center can appeardark when shooting against strongbacklighting.Adjust the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3).