ENAdjusting the brightness of the monitor[s]E SETUP s1 Use 78 to adjust the brightness whileviewing the screen, and then press the obutton.sSET OKMENUBACKSetting the date and time [X]E SETUP X“Setting the date and time” (p. 12)To select the date display order1 Press : after setting Minute, and use78 to select the date display order.XY MY M DD TIME2009 08 26 12 30MENUCANCELDate orderSetting the date and time in anothertime zone [DUALTIME]E SETUP DUALTIMEThe date and time set in the [ON] setting arereflected on the image file names and dateprints.Submenu 2 Submenu 3 ApplicationOFF —Switches to the date andtime set in[X (Date/time)].ON(Proceedsto thesettingscreen *1 .)Switches to the dateand time that were set in[DUALTIME] when usingthe camera in anothertime zone.*1 The setting procedure is identical to that in “Settingthe date and time” (p. 12)The date display order is the same as thatset with [X].Automatically rotating images shotwith the camera in a vertical positionduring playback [PIC ORIENTATION]E SETUP PIC ORIENTATIONDuring shooting, the [y] (p. 48) setting onthe playback menu is set automatically.This function may not work properly if thecamera is facing upwards or downwardsduring shooting.Submenu 2 ApplicationOFFInformation about the vertical/horizontalorientation of the camera duringshooting is not recorded with images.Images shot with the camera in avertical position are not rotated duringplayback.ONInformation about the vertical/horizontalorientation of the camera duringshooting is recorded with images.Images are automatically rotated duringplayback.