Y O U R A P P L I C A T I O N A N D I N F O M A N A G E M E N T T O O L SU S I N G F I N D 1799C H A P T E RUsing FindThe Find feature locates any text in thebuilt-in applications and databases andin some third-party applications. The Findfeature searches for the group ofcharacters you specify, including charactersthat are part of a word. Find is notcase-sensitive.Find also includes Google Maps links thathelp you find a location, business, ordirections to the word you’re searching for.For example, to find a nearby pizza place,enter pizza followed by a space and yourzip code, such as “pizza 95060.”1 Press Option , and then press Shift/Find to open the Find dialog box.2 Enter the text you want to find.3 Select OK to start the search.4 In the search results, select the text youwant to review, or select Find More tocontinue the search.Viewing and usingthe alertsThe Alert screen on your smartphoneshows info about incoming items such asnew email messages and Calendar events.The Alert screen also notifies you if youmiss a phone call.To view the Alert screen, tap the blinkingbell when it appears in the upper-leftcorner of any screen, or press and holdCenter when the blinking bell appears.DID YOU KNOW? Find locates any word thatbegins with the text you enter. For example,entering “plan” finds “planet,” but not“airplane.”