Appendix B Page 182I tried to do amodem HotSyncoperation, but itdid not completesuccessfully.Check the following on your computer:n Make sure your computer is turned on andthat it does not shut down automatically aspart of an energy-saving feature.n Make sure the modem connected to yourcomputer is turned on and is connected tothe outgoing phone line.n Make sure the modem you are using withyour handheld has an on-off switch. Yourhandheld cannot “wake up” a modem thathas an auto-off feature.n Make sure the modem is connected properlyto a serial port or USB port on your computerand that it is connected to the incomingphone line.On a Windows computer, check the following:n Make sure Modem is checked in the HotSyncManager menu.n Confirm that the Setup String in the Setupdialog box configures your modem correctly.You may need to select a different ModemType or enter a custom Setup String. Mostmodems have a Setup String that causesthem to send initial connection sounds to aspeaker. You can use these sounds to checkthe modem connection.n Confirm that the Speed setting in the Setupdialog box works for your modem. If youhave problems using the As Fast As Possibleoption or a specific speed, try using a slowerspeed.n Make sure you are not running anotherprogram, such as WinFax, CompuServe, orAmerica Online that uses the serial port youselected in the Setup dialog box.n Make sure your modem resets before you tryagain. (Turn off your modem, wait a minute,then turn it back on.)