- 11 -BitholderIII. ASSEMBLYCAUTION:Use of a concrete drill bit largerthan the recommended size maycause damage to the tool.1. To insert the bit1-1. Insert a bit into the mounting hole,and turn it slightly to locate an en-gaged position.1-2. At the engaged position, push thebit as far as it goes. Make sure thatthe bit is fixed by pulling it.2. To remove the bit2-1. Depress the chuck and pull the bit.Bit adapterUse a bit adapter (O) and bit.1. Remove the bit adapterfrom the bit adapter holderon the main unit.2. Pull the bit holder. ( )3. Insert the bit. ( )4. Make sure the bit is insertedfirmly by pulling it lightly.5. Insert the bit adapter into themounting hole and turn tolocate an engaged position.6. At the engaged position, push in asfar as it goes.• Make sure it does not move bypulling it lightly.Attaching or Removing Bat-tery Pack1. To connect the battery pack:Line up the alignment marks and attachthe battery pack.• Slide the battery pack until it locksinto position.2. To remove the battery pack:Pull the button from the front to releasethe battery pack.IV. OPERATIONForward/Reverse Lever• Be sure to set the lever in the cen-ter to lock it after use.• Operate the Forward/Reverse leverafter the motor rotation is com-pletely stopped.Forward ReverseLockSDS PLUS typeshankAlignment marksButton