GENERALINFORMATION1-3-2. Turning on ServiceInformation DisplayThere are two wqys to turn on the Serviceinformation Display.1) Press the FF, REW and EJECT buttonssimultaneously.2) Connect a jumper wire between TL6010 andTL601 1 on the Main C.B.A. and press the FF,REW and EJECT buttons simultaneously.In the Service Information Display, there arefive digits divided into 3 functions. The first digitindicates which of the service modes.(Mode 0 and 8 are not used)The second and third digits are service datawhich indicates the condition of the circuit ormechanism being checked.The forth digit is the service information display.It is to be used by the consumer to helpdetermine the source of the malfunction. Theservice information display operateindependently of the service mode and storesthe fault indication in memory for as long as ACPower is supplied.1-3-3. Use of Service ModesMODE 1Check that the sensor LED, supply & take-upsensor circuits, check the each sensor byblocking the light form sensor LED to either orboth sensors.MODE 2Checks the mode switch circuit while indicatingmechanism position.MODE 3Checks that mode switch circuit operationshave been completed.MODE 4Checks the operation circuit. Indicates if systemcontrol microprocessor (IC6001) received theoperating commands from the mode buttons ofthe front panel and/or remote controller.MODE 5Checks the capstan motor circuit. Indicates ifthe IC6001 has received the command to rotatethe capstan motor.MODE 6Checks the cylinder motor circuit. Indicates ifthe IC6001 has received the command to rotatethe cylinder motor.MODE 7Checks the loading/unloading operation. Theloading motor rotates for loading operationwhile the “PLAY” button is pressing. Theloading motor rotates for unloading operationwhile the “STOP” button is pressing. This modereset by press the “POWER” button.ServiceData No.Mode Button ServiceData No.Mode Button3n POWER 03 FF08 REC 02 REW34 CH UP 06 PAUSE/STILL35 CH DOWN 49 INDEX -OU PLAY 4U INDEX +00 STOP -0 INPUT SELECTFig. S8 Service Data Display for Service MODE 41-7