26Setup menusUSER menuItem SettingNo. Superimposed No. Superimposed Descriptiondisplay display201 9P SEL 0000 OFF0001 ON202 ID SEL 0000 OTHER0001 DVCPRO0002 ORIG204 RS232C SEL 0000 OFF0001 ON205 BAUD RATE 0000 3000001 6000002 12000003 24000004 48000005 9600206 DATA 0000 7LENGTH 0001 8207 STOP BIT 0000 10001 2208 PARITY 0000 NON0001 ODD0002 EVEN209 RETURN 0000 OFFACK 0001 ONThe underline on the setting item denotes the initial setting.This selects whether the 9-Pin connector functions when theREMOTE/LOCAL switch has been set to REMOTE.0: Do not function1: FunctionThis selects the ID information which is returned to thecontroller.0: 20 25H1: DVCPRO’s, own ID is returned (F0 33H).2: The unit’s own ID (A0 3CH) is returned.Set “ORIG” only when the unit is connected with a Panasoniccontroller (such as the AJ-A900, optional accessory).These settings are for selecting whether the RS-232C con-nector is to function when the REMOTE/LOCAL switch is setto REMOTE.0: Connector does not function.1: Connector functions.These settings are for selecting the RS-232C communicationspeed (baud rate).These settings are for selecting the RS-232C data length.(Unit: bit)These settings are for selecting the RS-232C stop bit length.(Unit: bit)These settings are for selecting the none, odd or even for theRS-232C parity bit.0: Parity bit is not used.1: An odd number of bits is used for the parity system.2: An even number of bits is used for the parity system.These settings are for selecting whether the ACK code is to bereturned when a command is received from RS-232C.0: ACK code is not returned.1: ACK code is returned.