CUT EDITING PROCEDURE433. Editing executionOnce the necessary edit point settings have been registered, one event will be automatically edited if editing is now performed.After editing has been performed, what has been edited can be checked using the “review” function.AUTOEDITPreroll pointPreroll timePlaybackRewind and playback(review)EditingPostroll timeWith insert editingWith assemble editingEdit start point Edit start point/edit end point Overlap pointPauseEditingPausePlayback (With continuous automatic editing, input the next event without executing editing.)* After editing has been executed, the EVENT No. is added, andwhat has been the recorder’s edit OUT point is automaticallycalculated as the edit IN point. [However, this is only when anautomatic setting is used for set-up menu item No.305 (AUTOENTRY).]* To end editing at any time, press the AUTO EDIT button.The position where the button was pressed is registered as theOUT point.When the AUTO EDIT button is pressed, the automaticediting of one event is commenced.--- ----------------------EJECTV T R 1POWERRECCH1 RESETRECDIAGREMOTEEXT VTRLOCAL-VTR1 VTR2CONTROLONOFFRECINHIBITOFF ONCH2PBAUDIO LEVELREW FFSTOP STB OFF TRACKPLAY STILL1ST EDITBSEVENTSPLITASMBLIN OUTVTR1 VTR2 VTR1 VTR2PREROLLSYNCHRO753CFONOFFCH1MIXCH2V1V1•2V2SWAPNORMMIXAUDIOMONITOR SPEAKER/HEADPHONES AUDIOSWAPDUMP LOAD EDLCLEARFSRECALLLASTEDITV A1 A2 TCPLAYIN OUTGO TOENTRY / SHIFTEDIT MODECOUNTERCTLTCUBVTR1EJECTV T R 2RESETRECSTORESTOP STB OFFMENUEDITSTILL REW FFVTR2RECCH1 CH2OPERATION MODE VTR2 AUDIOINPUT SELECTEDITINTEXTSEPARATE CH1 CH2VTR1EXTPBAUDIO LEVELPREVIEWREVIEW MULTIAUTO EDIT ALL STOPCut editing procedure