Setup menus (continued)19Loading user filesThe contents of the USER2, USER3, USER4 or USER5file can be copied (loaded) into the USER1 file. Also, thecontents of the USER1 file can be copied (saved) into theUSER2, USER3, USER4 or USER5 file.(1) Press the MENU button.(2) Press the REW button or FF button whileholding down the PF button to select theUSER1 file.(3) Operate the joystick, and move the cursor ( ) onthe menu screen to item No.A00 (LOAD).USER 1 USER 2USER 3USER 4USER 5Load/save Lock mode can besetLock mode can besetLock mode can besetLock mode can besetLoad/saveLoad/saveLoad/saveSETUP-MENU804A00A01A02ENDBLANK LINELOADSAVEP. ON LOADBLANKUSER2USER2OFFNO .A 0 0 - 0 0 0 0MENUSETUP-MENU804A00A01A02ENDBLANK LINELOADSAVEP. ON LOADBLANKUSER2USER2OFFNO .A 0 0 - 0 0 0 0MENUSETUP-MENUUSER2 USER1 OK?YES/NOLOAD(4) Incline the joystick to the left or right tos e l e c t t h e u s e r f i l e w h o s econtents are to be loaded into USER1.(5) Press the joystick.The following message appears on the menu screen andcounter display.Menu screenCounter displayThe number of the user file selected in step (4) isdisplayed at .(6) Press the PLAY buttonThe settings of the user file selected in step (4) areloaded, and the USER1 menu display appears. If theSTOP button is pressed instead, the settings are notchanged, and the USER1 menu display appears.(7) Press the MENU button.A confirmation screen now appears.When the PLAY button is pressed, the USER1 settingsare stored in the memory. If the settings are not to bestored in the memory, press the STOP button instead.Saving user files(1) Press the MENU button.(2) Press the REW button or FF button whileholding down the PF button to select theUSER1 file.(3) Operate the joystick, and move the cursor ( ) onthe menu screen to item No.A01 (SAVE).(4) Incline the joystick to the left or right to selectthe user file in which the contents of USER1 areto be saved.Those user files which have been set to the lock mode donot appear on the display. If all the user files have beenset to the lock mode, the “LOCKED” display appears, andthe contents of USER1 cannot be saved into any of theuser files.(5) Press the joystick.The following message appears on the menu screen andcounter display.Menu screenSETUP-MENUUSER1 USER2 OK?YES/NOSAVECounter displayThe number of the user file selected in step (4) isdisplayed at .(6) Press the PLAY buttonThe settings of USER1 are saved in the user file selectedin step (4) and stored in the memory. If the STOP buttonis pressed instead, the settings are not changed, and theUSER1 menu display appears.(7) Press the MENU button.The regular display is restored.Automatically recalling a user file whenturning on the powerIf the user file to be loaded is selected in advance usingsetup menu No. A02 (P.ON LOAD), the file will beautomatically loaded into USER1 when the power isturned on. PreviousNext |