-9-@6 Lens Iris Control [IRIS, LEVEL]When IRIS AUTO/MANU Switch @5 is in the MANUposition, the iris can be controlled over the range fromthe closed position to the fully open position using thiscontrol. Turning it clockwise opens the iris and turningit counterclockwise closes the iris.If the camera is preset to AUTO IRIS ADJ ON whenIRIS AUTO/MANU Switch @5 is in the AUTO position,this control may be used for fine adjustment of ALCfocus level. For details, refer to the OperatingInstructions for the Camera.If the preset memory is called by pressing PRESETSwitches @8 when IRIS AUTO/MANU Switch @5 is in theMANU position, the iris is adjusted to the preset valuestored in the memory regardless of the position of thiscontrol. If the control is turned after that, the iris isadjusted corresponding to the position of the control.@7 Preset Memory Switch [MEMORY]Head pan/tilt positions, lens zoom/focus/iris (providedthat IRIS AUTO/MANU Switch @5 is in the MANU posi-tion), and camera white balance (ATW Channel A or B)can be preset in up to 10 memory buttons.To preset them in these buttons, first select a headpan/tilt position, lens zoom/focus/iris, or camera whitebalance (ATW or Channel A or B); press MEMORYSwitch @7 (so it lights yellow green and all the 10 but-tons of PRESET Switches @8 flash); while keeping theMEMORY Switch @7 depressed, press one of the 10buttons of PRESET Switch @8 as desired. The pressedbutton in which the selected item is stored lights.@8 Preset Position Selection Switches [PRESET]The head pan/tilt positions, lens zoom/focus/iris, andcamera white balance that are stored in the buttons ofPRESET Switch @8 can be recalled to operate thepan/tilt head, the lens, and the camera according tothe preset data.To preset them in the PRESET switches, first select ahead pan/tilt position, lens zoom/focus/iris, or camerawhite balance (ATW or Channel A or B); press theMEMORY Switch @7 (so it lights yellow green and allthe 10 buttons of PRESET Switches @8 flash); at thesame time press one of the 10 buttons of PRESETSwitches @8 as desired. The pressed button in whichthe selected item is stored lights.@9 Speed Selection Switch [SPEED]If ZOOM lever #6, FOCUS Lever #7, or PAN/TILT Lever#8 is moved while keeping SPEED Switch @9depressed, the corresponding operation takes placeat low speed, provided that SPEED SW CHANGESwitch %0 is in the LOW position. If one of these leversis moved with SPEED Switch @9 depressed whenSPEED SW CHANGE Switch %0 is in the HIGH position,the corresponding operation takes place at highspeed. SPEED Switch @9 remains lit while it is keptdepressed.