-7-!5566 Genlock Phase Control Switch[G/L PHASE, ON/OFF]Used to adjust the genlock phase in operating thecamera in external sync mode. Set the switch to theON position only when adjusting the genlock subcarri-er phase or genlock horizontal phase. Otherwise,keep the switch in the OFF position.!66 Genlock Subcarrier Phase Coarse Switch[G/L PHASE, 0°/90°/180°/270°]Used for coarse adjustment of the color phases ofgenlock input and video output signals in operating thecamera in external sync mode. Used in combinationwith G/L PHASE SC Control !7, the switch has anadjustment range of over 360°. Set G/L PHASEON/OFF Switch !5 to the ON position before adjustingthe color phases with this switch.!7 Genlock Subcarrier Phase Fine Control[G/L PHASE, SC]Used for fine adjustment of the color phases of gen-lock input and video output signals in operating thecamera in external sync mode. Use this switch incombination with G/L PHASE Coarse Switch !6. SetG/L PHASE ON/OFF Switch !5 to the ON positionbefore adjusting the color phases with this switch.!8 G/L Horizontal Phase Adjustment Control[G/L PHASE, H]Used to adjust the horizontal phases of genlock inputand video output signals in operating the camera inexternal sync mode. Set G/L PHASE ON/OFF Switch!5 to the ON position before adjusting the horizontalphases with this switch.!9 Total Pedestal Level Control [T. PED]The set pedestal level of the camera’s Y (luminance)signal can be adjusted. This control is used in a sys-tem of two or more cameras to adjust the pedestal lev-els of these cameras. The control may operate notcontinuous sometimes due to digital signal processing.@0 Cable Compensation Luminance Control[CABLE COMP, Y]Used to adjust the Y (luminance) signal level of videooutput signals as appropriate to the cable lengthbetween the pan/tilt head and this control panel. Toadjust it, first set MODE BAR/CAM Switch r to theBAR position, then connect a waveform monitor, vec-torscope, or other measuring instrument to the videosignal output. If the cable between the pan/tilt headand this control panel is longer than 300 meters, setthe cable compensation switch on the pan/tilt head tothe ON position in advance. (For details, refer to theOPERATING PROCEDURES at page 25 or to theOperating Instructions for the Pan/tilt Head.) First,adjust the Y (luminance) signal level with this control,then adjust the C (chrominance) signal level withCABLE COMP C Control @1. Repeat this until the videooutput level of this control panel matches the cameraoutput level.Turning this control changes not only the Y (luminance)signal level but also the whole video signal level.