-6-o White Balance Ach Selection Switch[AUTO/ATW, A]When this switch is depressed, white balance will beas stored in Channel A of the camera. The switchlights when it is selected. When AWC Switch !1 ispressed after selecting AUTO/ATW, A, white balanceis automatically adjusted and stored in Channel A.!0 White Balance Bch Selection Switch[AUTO/ATW, B]When this switch is depressed, white balance will beas stored in Channel B of the camera. The switchlights when it is selected. When AWC Switch !1 ispressed after selecting AUTO/ATW, B, white balanceis automatically adjusted and stored in Channel B.!1 Auto White Start Switch [AWC]If this switch is pressed when AUTO/ATW A Switch oor AUTO/ATW B Switch !0 is selected, white balance isautomatically adjusted. The adjustment results arestored in Channel A or B. This switch is invalid if theMODE BAR/CAM Switch r is in the BAR position.Auto Set Indicator !3 flashes while AWC is in opera-tion, and goes out when white balance has been prop-erly adjusted. Auto Set Indicator !3 remains lit if whitebalance adjustment fails.Note: White balance may not be adjustable if there isno white in the image being taken by the camera.For details, refer to the Operating Instructions forthe Camera.!2 Auto Black Start Switch [ABC]When this switch is depressed, the lens iris is automat-ically closed to set black balance. Be sure to keep theIRIS AUTO/MANU Switch @5 in the AUTO position insetting black balance. Auto Set Indicator !3 flasheswhile ABC is in operation, and goes out when blackbalance has been properly adjusted. Auto SetIndicator !3 remains lit if black balance adjustmentfails. Black balance adjustment may fail if the totalpedestal is too low. In such a case, adjust the totalpedestal with T.PED Control !9 (referring to the OPER-ATING PROCEDURES at page 25) and try to adjustblack balance again.!3 Auto Set IndicatorThis LED flashes during white balance or black bal-ance adjustment with AWC Switch !1 or ABC Switch !2depressed, and goes out when the adjustment hasended normally. The LED remains lit if balance adjust-ment fails.!4 Scene File Selection Switch [SCENE FILE, 1/2/3/4]Select a scene file preset on the camera side.Remember, however, that [4] is camera scene fileUSER A or USER B (provided that WV-E550 or AW-E560 is connected).