136Period It divides one day (24 hours) to two periods. You can setdifferent hue, brightness, and contrast for different periods.Sharpness It is to adjust monitor video sharpness level. The default value is50.The bigger the value is, the video image becomes sharper.Brightness It is to adjust monitor window brightness. The default value is 50.The larger the number is, the bright the video is. When you inputthe value here, the bright section and the dark section of thevideo will be adjusted accordingly. You can use this functionwhen the whole video is too dark or too bright. Please note thevideo may become hazy if the value is too high. The valueranges from 0 to 100.The recommended value ranges from 40to 60.Contrast It is to adjust monitor window contrast. The value ranges from 0to 100. The default value is 50.The larger the number is, the higher the contrast is. You can usethis function when the whole video bright is OK but the contrastis not proper. Please note the video may become hazy if thevalue is too low. If this value is too high, the dark section maylack brightness while the bright section may over exposure .Therecommended value ranges from 40 to 60.Saturation It is to adjust monitor window saturation. The value ranges from0 to 100. The default value is 50.The larger the number is, the strong the color is. This value hasno effect on the general brightness of the whole video. Thevideo color may become too strong if the value is too high. Forthe grey part of the video, the distortion may occur if the whitebalance is not accurate. Please note the video may not beattractive if the value is too low. The recommended value rangesfrom 40 to 60.Chroma It is to adjust monitor video brightness and darkness level. Thedefault value is 50.The bigger the value is, the large the contrast between the brightand dark section is and vice versa.Color mode It includes several modes such as standard, soft, bright, colorful,bank. You can select corresponding color mode here, you cansee hue, brightness, and contrast and etc will adjust accordingly.Image Enhance It is to enhance video quality. The larger the value is, the clearerthe video is. But the noise may become large too.2D NR It is to process the noise of the single image. The video maybecome soft after process. The larger the value is, the betterthe effect is.3D Denoise It is to process the multiple-frame (at least two frames). It is touse the frame information between the following two frames toreduce noise. The larger the value is, the better the effect is.