157Please refer to the following sheet for detailed information.Parameter FunctionEnableYou need to select the checkbox to enable motion detectionfunction.Please select a channel from the dropdown list.PeriodMotion detection function becomes activated in the specifiedperiods. See Figure 5-45.There are six periods in one day. Please draw a circle to enablecorresponding period.Click OK button, system goes back to motion detection interface,please click save button to exit.Anti-dither System only memorizes one event during the anti-dither period.The value ranges from 5s to 600s.Sensitivity There are six levels. The sixth level has the highest sensitivity.RegionIf you select motion detection type, you can click this button to setmotion detection zone. The interface is shown as in Figure 5-46.Here you can set motion detection zone. There are four zones foryou to set. Please select a zone first and then left drag the mouseto select a zone. The corresponding color zone displays differentdetection zone. You can click Fn button to switch between the armmode and disarm mode. In arm mode, you can click the directionbuttons to move the green rectangle to set the motion detectionzone. After you completed the setup, please click ENTER button toexit current setup. Do remember click save button to save currentsetup. If you click ESC button to exit the region setup interfacesystem will not save your zone setup.RecordchannelSystem auto activates motion detection channel(s) to record oncean alarm occurs. Please note you need to set motion detect recordperiod and go to Storage-> Schedule to set current channel asschedule record.Delay System can delay the record for specified time after alarm ended.The value ranges from 10s to 300s.Alarm outEnable alarm activation function. You need to select alarm outputport so that system can activate corresponding alarm device whenan alarm occurs.Latch System can delay the alarm output for specified time after analarm ended. The value ranges from 1s to 300s.PTZActivationHere you can set PTZ movement when alarm occurs. SeeFigure 5-47.TourYou need to select the checkbox here to enable this function.System begins 1-wiindow or multiple-window tour display amongthe channel(s) you set to record when an alarm occurs.Screenshot Click setup button to select snapshot channel.ShowmessageSystem can pop up a message to alarm you in the local hostscreen if you enabled this function.