6014.2.5 Dew Prevention Control 1 To prevent dew formation at indoor unit discharge area. This control will be activated if:o Outdoor air temperature and Indoor pipe temperature judgment by microcontroller is fulfilled.o When Cooling or Dry mode is operated more than 20 minutes or more. This control stopped if:o Compressor stopped.o Remote control setting changed (fan speed / temperature).o Outdoor air temperature and indoor intake temperature changed. Fan speed, angle of louver (vertical airflow angle) will be adjusted accordingly in this control.1. Fan speed will be increased slowly when control is activated until predetermine value. Compressor frequency will be regulated accordingly.14.2.6 Protection Control For Heating Operation14.2.6.1 Intake Air Temperature ControlCompressor will operate at limited freq., if indoor intake air temperature is 86°F or above. Outdoor Air Temperature Control The maximum current value is regulated when the outdoor air temperature rise above 57.2°F in order to avoidcompressor overloading.57.2°F52.6°FFree withing maximum limitCurrent RegulatedOutdoor Air Temperature The compressor will be stopped at outdoor air temperature ≤ -4°F. The unit still operate within the temperaturerange.-0.4°F-4°FCompressor OFFCompressor ONOutdoor Air Temperature