103VQT0N05Before opening the CD-ROM package, please read the following.End User License AgreementYou (“Licensee”) are granted a licensefor the Software defined in this EndUser License Agreement(“Agreement”) on condition that youagree to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. If Licensee does notagree to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement, promptly return theSoftware to Matsushita ElectricIndustrial Co., Ltd. (“Matsushita”), itsdistributors or dealers from which youmade the purchase.Article 1 LicenseLicensee is granted the right to use theSoftware, including the informationrecorded or described on the CD-ROM,instruction manuals, and any othermedia provided to Licensee(collectively “Software”), but allapplicable rights to patents, copyrights,trademarks and trade secrets in theSoftware are not transferred toLicensee.Article 2 Use by a Third PartyLicensee may not use, copy, modify,transfer or allow any third party, whetherfree of charge or not, to use, copy ormodify the Software, except as expresslyprovided for in this Agreement.Article 3Restrictions on Copying theSoftwareLicensee may make a single copy ofthe Software in whole or in part solelyfor back-up purpose.Article 4 ComputerLicensee may use the Software only onone computer, and may not use it onmore than one computer.Article 5Reverse Engineering,Decompiling or DisassemblyLicensee may not reverse engineer,decompile, or disassemble theSoftware, except to the extent either ofthem is permitted under law orregulation of the country whereLicensee resides. Matsushita, or itsdistributors will not be responsible forany defects in the Software or damageto Licensee caused by Licensee’sreverse engineering, decompiling, ordisassembly of the Software.Article 6 IndemnificationThe Software is provided “AS-IS” withoutwarranty of any kind, either expressed orimplied, including, but not limited to,warranties of non-infringement,merchantability and/or fitness for aparticular purpose. Further, Matsushitadoes not warrant that the operation of theSoftware will be uninterrupted or errorfree. Matsushita or any of its distributorswill not be liable for any damage sufferedby Licensee arising from or in connectionwith Licensee’s use of the Software.Article 7 Export ControlLicensee agrees not to export or re-export to any country the Software in anyform without the appropriate exportlicenses under regulations of the countrywhere Licensee resides, if necessary.Article 8 Termination of LicenseThe right granted to Licensee hereunderwill be automatically terminated ifLicensee contravenes any of the termsand conditions of this Agreement. Upontermination hereof, Licensee must destroythe Software and related documentationtogether with all the copies thereof atLicensee’s own expense.