13RQT9184(ENG)In most cases, default settings can normally be used without makingany changes.Please use this setting when instructed to by your Internet serviceprovider. Press [SETUP]. Press [ , ] to select “Network” and press[OK]. Press [ , ] to select “Proxy Server Settings”and press [OK]. Press [ , ] to select “Proxy Address” andpress [OK].The text entry screen is displayed.Text field: shows the text you have entered Press [ , , , ] to select a character andpress [OK].Repeat this step to enter other characters.Press [] to delete. Press [] when you complete the entry. Press [ , ] to select “Proxy Port Number”and press [OK].Enter numbers with the numbered buttons andpress [OK].Press [ , ] to select “Yes” and press [OK].Setting the proxy serverRETURNProxy Server SettingsReset to factory presetProxy AddressProxy Port NumberOK0_Proxy AddressSpaceFinishDeleteOKRETURN12345678901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0A B CD E Fa b cd e fg h ij k l/ = %+ - *# $ &< > @m n o [ ] _p q r s ( )t u v { }\ Iw x y z“ ’ : ; ` A. , ? !J K LM N OP Q R ST U VW X Y Z0 -- 9G H I~0Proxy Port NumberPlease input Proxy Server Port Number andpress [OK]. Press [CANCEL] to delete theselected character. The number will be set to"0" if all characters are deleted and [OK] ispressed.Number0 - 9TIPSThe specified ports may be blocked and not be able tobe used depending on the network environment.In order to restore the default settingsAfter performing steps –1) Press [ , ] to select “Reset to factory preset” andpress [OK].2) Press [ , ] to select “Yes” and press [OK].Using the numbered buttons to enter characterse.g., entering the letter “F”1) Press [3] to move to the 3rd row.2) Press [3] twice to highlight “F”.3) Press [OK]. # $ %& ' () * +Getting started