BASIC OPERATIONSBASICOPERATIONS43(see Note 1) (see Note 2) (see Note 3) (see Note 4) (see Note 5)NOTE1. While storing the File Number of the document(s) being stored is shown at the upper right corner of the display.It is also printed on the Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL), Transaction Journal and File List. Thepercentage of memory used is shown on the lower right corner of the display after each page is stored.2. If memory overflow occurs while storing the document(s), the page will be ejected. The machine will show"MEMORY FULL" on the display. You will need to reload the last page that was ejected back on the ADF andsend the remaining document(s) again when the memory becomes available.If Fax Parameter No. 082 (Quick Memory XMT) is set to "Invalid", the machine stores all the document(s) intomemory first before transmitting.After storing each document, the machine checks the available memory to prevent memory overflow and stopsstoring additional documents if the stored data approaches a certain percentage* (around 80%).Then the machine dials and sends the memory stored document(s) first and continues the transmission of theremaining document(s) from the ADF during the same phone call.If transmitting to multiple stations or if memory overflows while storing a document, the machine prompts youwhether to transmit the successfully stored documents or to cancel the transmission. Press tocancel or press to transmit.For image memory capacity, see the Specifications page. (See page 182)If no action is taken within 10 seconds, the machine will start transmitting the stored documents.* The percentage varies and is dependent on the type of documents you are storing, machine settings or whetheran optional memory card is installed.3. An Information Code will be displayed if the transmission has failed or no answer at the receiving side after thelast automatic redial.The document(s) stored for this transmission will be erased from the memory automatically and an informationcode is printed for the transmission on the Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL).If you need to retain the incomplete document(s) even after the last redial, change Fax Parameter No. 031 (INC.FILE SAVE) to "Valid" in advance. (See page 34) To retry the incomplete document(s), refer to page 98.4. To stop the transmission, press .The display shows:Press to stop the transmission. The document(s) you stored will be erased automatically.If you do not want to erase the document(s), change the setting of Fax Parameter No. 031 (INC. FILE SAVE) to"Valid" in advance. (See page 34)Then the following display will appear and you can select whether to save the file as an incomplete file for editingand/or retry later,, or delete the file manually.5. If you would like to print a Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) after stopping a transmission, presswhen the display shows:MEMORY XMT NO.026PAGE 01 00%5551234MEMORY XMTMEMORY FULLCANCELOKSTOP MEMORY XMT NO.020COMMUNICATION STOP ?1:YES 2:NO1MEMORY XMT NO.020SAVE AS INCOMP. FILE?1:YES 2:NO1MEMORY XMT NO.020PRINT COMM. JOURNAL?1:YES 2:NOSending Documents