Advanced operationsRQT697718Using On-Screen Menu IconsPlay Menu Picture Menu∫ User modePress [1] while “U1” is highlighted and then press [3, 4] to select “1”,“2” or “3”.U1: MPEG D.N.R. (Digital Noise Reduction)U2: Picture ControlU3 (Video output mode ➜ above)Unit informationA-B repeat [RAM] [DVD-A] [DVD-V] [VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP3](When the elapsed play time is displayed)Repeat a section between points A and B within an item.[ENTER] (start point) ➜ [ENTER] (finish point)To cancel: [ENTER]≥Subtitles recorded around A and B may fail to appear.≥The end of an item becomes point B when it is reached.≥A-B repeat is canceled when you press [QUICKREPLAY].Repeat mode[RAM] [DVD-A] [DVD-V] [VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP3](When the elapsed play time is displayed)[JPEG][RAM] [DVD-A] [DVD-V]PG: Program§1 S: Scene§3 T: Track§1 C: Chapter§1D: Disc§2 PL: Playlist§3 G: Group§2 T: Title§2OFF OFF OFF[VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP3] [JPEG]T: Track§1 G: GroupD: Disc§2 §4 OFFS: Sequential§5OFF§1 “1 (1 Step)” during program play: repeats the currentprogram item.§2 “A (All)” during program and random play.“S (Sequential)” appears instead of “A” if Sequential modeis on to repeat play of all loaded discs (except DVDs).§3 During play list play§4 “G (Group)” when Sequential mode is off [WMA] [MP3]§5 Appears only when Sequential mode is on.≥You can also repeat play of content (“C”) and group (“G”)on HighMAT discs.≥If the Video CD has playback control1. Press [∫] to clear “PBC” from the display.2. Press the numbered buttons to select a track to startplay.3. Select an item to repeat.≥To repeat only your favorite programs/tracks/chaptersStart program play (➜ page 16) and display “A”.Play mode display[RAM] [DVD-A] [DVD-V] [VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP3]---: Normal play PGM: Program playRND: Random playMarker[RAM] : 999 positions[DVD-A] [DVD-V] [VCD] [CD] [WMA] [MP3] [JPEG] : 5 positions[ENTER] (The unit is now ready to accept markers.)To mark a position: [ENTER] (at the desired point)To mark another position: [2, 1] ➜ [ENTER]To recall a marker: [2, 1] ➜ [ENTER]To erase a marker: [2, 1] ➜ [CANCEL][RAM]To mark the eleventh point and beyond1. Press [2, 1] to select the marker pinicon2. Press [3, 4] to select “11–20”≥You can select the next group when the current groupis full.3. Press [1].≥The markers are ordered by time. This means that themarker numbers can change when you add and erasemarkers.≥If places have been marked (e.g., with a DVD videorecorder), they are displayed.≥You can clear existing markers, but they are restoredwhen you change the disc or switch the unit to standby.≥This feature doesn’t work while using a play list.[Note]≥This feature doesn’t work during program and randomplay.≥Markers you add clear when you change the disc orswitch the unit to standby.1–10Picture modeN: Normal modeS: Soft mode (Soft picture with fewer video artifacts)F: Fine mode (Details are sharper)U1/U2/U3: User mode (➜ below)Video output mode480I: Interlace video480P: Progressive video≥You can change the video output mode only when“Progressive Out (Component)” in the SETUP menu is setto “Enable” (➜ page 20).≥When progressive output is on, closed captions will not bedisplayed.Transfer modeSelect the method of conversion for progressive output tosuit the type of material being played (➜ page 23,Glossary—Film and video).Auto1 (normal): For viewing film materialAuto2: For viewing film material (the same as Auto1, butable to convert 30-frame-per-second progressivevideo)Video: For video materialDepth Enhancer (0 to i4)Reduces the rough noise in the background to give agreater feeling of depth.3D-NR (0 to i4)/Dot NR (On)Reduces overall noise/Reduces the dot noise that occurs atthe borders between colors.Block NR (0 to i3)Smoothes block noise.Mosquito NR (0 to i3)Reduces the smudging that appears around contrastingsections of the picture.Contrast (j7 to i7)Adjusts the contrast between light and dark parts of thepicture.Brightness (0 to i15)Adjusts the picture brightness.Sharpness (j7 to i7)Adjusts the sharpness of the edges of the horizontal lines.Color (j7 to i7)Adjusts the shade of the picture’s color.Gamma (0 to i5)Adjusts the brightness of dark parts of the picture.C1 (Cinema1): Mellows images andenhances detail in darkscenesC2 (Cinema2): Sharpens images andenhances detail in darkscenesC