Advanced operationsRQT574120213TCERIDROTAGIVANTOPMENUENTERTVCHTV/AVGROUPPAGESUBTITLESKIPSTOPCANCELHP-V.S.S.TEXTACTIONSP-V.S.S. AUDIOONLYREPEATMODE A-BREPEAT PLAYMODEANGLEPAUSE PLAYSLOW/SEARCHAUDIORETURNMARKERVOLPOWERPOWER OPEN/CLOSETCERIDROTAGIVANDISPLAYTSILYALP1 2 34 5 67 8 90 10>=MENUTOPMENUENTER 2·331ENTERPLAYorDIRECT NAVIGATORNo DATE CH On Program Title Contents1234512/23(SAT)12/26(TUE)1/12(FRI)1/24(WED)2/20(TUE)104251221:0214:3520:0019:3019:05Saturday featureAuto actionSunday CinemaMusicBaseballSELECTENTERRETURNNo12345DIRECT NAVIGATORDATE CH On Program Title Contents12/26(TUE)1/12(FRI)1/24(WED)2/20(TUE)104251214:3520:0019:3019:05Saturday featureAuto actionSunday CinemaMusicBaseballSELECTENTERRETURN12/23(SAT) 21:02Numberedbuttonse.g. when program 2 has been selected.Playing the programs onDVD-RAM[RAM]Remote control onlySelecting programs to play—DIRECT NAVIGATORWhen a program list is recorded on the disc, you can use it to findprograms you want to watch and start play.1 Press [DIRECT NAVIGATOR].The program list is displayed and the program currently se-lected plays in the background.³Press again to clear the program list.2 Move the joystick [3, 4] to select theprogram you want to watch.You can also select a program with the numbered buttons.Step 3 is unnecessary.To enter a 2-digit numberExample: 17, press, [S10] ➡ [1] ➡ [7].3 Press [1] (play) or [ENTER].Play of the program that was playing in the backgroundcontinues.To display information about a selected program1. Do steps 1 and 2 to select the program, then move the joystick[1] to select “Contents” on the right side of the list.2. Press [ENTER].The background picture pauses. Press [ENTER] to return to the pro-gram list.If there are 6 or more programsMove the joystick [4] while program 5 is highlighted.The programs not currently shown are displayed each time youmove the joystick.For your reference³Program and disc titles are displayed only if they have beenentered.³You cannot change program and disc titles.