TroubleshootingVQT4W68106Troubleshooting guideThe following messages or service numbersappear on the unit’s display when somethingunusual is detected.The remote control and main unit are usingdifferent codes. Change the code on the remotecontrol. (> 99)Selected titles in the USB HDD are beingconverted.Do not disconnect the USB HDD from this unit.TV Guide data is being downloaded.If there is no change after switching the unit tostandby mode and turning it on, consult thedealer.You cannot delete items on this disc.The disc may be damaged.• The disc is dirty. (> 10) The unit cannot record,play, or edit.• The lens cleaner has finished cleaning.Press [< OPEN/CLOSE] on the main unit toeject the disc.You cannot write to this disc.The disc may be damaged. Use a new disc.• Displayed when the unit is started and isswitched to standby mode.• There was a power failure or the AC plug wasdisconnected while the unit was on. The unit iscarrying out its recovery process. Wait until themessage disappears.There are already 32 timer programmes. Deleteunnecessary timer programmes. (> 35)The USB device is drawing too much power.Remove the USB device.Update of the software (firmware) is started.You cannot operate the unit until the update iscomplete. (> 96)Software (firmware) is downloading.Download will stop when the unit is turned on, orthe timer recording starts. (> 96)Messages on the unit’s displayBD (“∑” stands for a number.)CONVGUIDEHARD ERRNoERASNoREADNoWRITPLEASE WAITPROG FULLREMOVESTARTSW-DL