18RQT8415STEP 2 Channel reception settings and TV aspect settings1 Turn on the television and select theappropriate AV input to suit theconnections to this unit.2 Press [Í DVD] to turn the unit on.When connecting to a television that has the Q Link functions(➡ 59), downloading from the television starts.You can download the tuning positions from the television.This unit’s Auto Clock Setting function synchronizes the timewhen the TV channel that is broadcasting time and dateinformation is tuned.≥If the Country setting menu appears on the television.Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select the country and press[ENTER].If you select “Schweiz”, “Suisse” or “Svizzera” in the Countrysetting, or when the television tuning setting has been set toSwitzerland, the “Power Save” setting menu appears. Select“On” or “Off” (➡ 68).Auto-Setup starts. This takes about 8 minutes.After set up is complete, TV aspect setting screen appears.≥16:9: 16:9 widescreen television≥4:3: 4:3 aspect television[HDD] [RAM] Titles are recorded as they appear on screen.[DVD-V] Video recorded for a widescreen is played as Pan& Scan (unless prohibited by the producer of thedisc) (➡ 81).≥Letterbox:4:3 aspect televisionWidescreen picture is shown in the letterbox style (➡ 81).3 Press [3, 4] to select the TV aspectand press [ENTER].When television type and aspect is set, the GUIDE Plus+setting screen appears.(The above message also appears in countries where GUIDEPlus+ system is not available. However set up is not possible.)≥If you want to set up the GUIDE Plus+ systemPress [2, 1] to select “Yes” and press [ENTER].Proceed to step 2 (➡ 19, GUIDE Plus+ system settings)≥If you do not want to set up the GUIDE Plus+ system or ifyou live in a country where GUIDE Plus+ system is notavailable (➡ 19, Regarding the GUIDE Plus+ system)Press [2, 1] to select “No” and press [ENTER].Television picture appears. Set up is complete.To stop partwayPress [RETURN].TIME SLIPTIME SLIPDISPLAYDISPLAYSTATUSSTATUSAUDIOAUDIODIRECT TV RECDIRECT TV RECEXT LINKEXT LINKREC MODEREC MODERECRECMANUAL SKIPMANUAL SKIPCREATECREATECHAPTERCHAPTERENTERENTERFUNCTIONSDIRECTNAVIGATORGUIDERETURNRETURNSUB MENUSUB MENUSPROG/CHECKPROG/CHECKPLAY/x1.3PAUSEPAUSESTOPSTOPSLOW/SEARCHSLOW/SEARCHSKIPSKIPDELETEDELETEShowViewShowViewCHCHPAGEPAGESELECTINPUT0987654321VOLUMEVOLUMECHCHAVAVÍTVTVDRIVEDRIVESELECTSELECTÍDVDÍ DVD3,4,2,1ENTER RETURNGUIDESUB MENUCHW XNumberedbuttonsDownload from TVPos 4Download in progress. Please wait.RETURN: to cancelRETURN∫ If the clock setting menu appearsSet the clock manually (➡ 71).∫ To confirm that stations have been tunedcorrectly (➡ 69)∫ To restart set up (➡ 70)CountryRETURN: leave ENTER: accessOthersDeutschlandÖsterreichPortugalSuomiSverigeSchweizSuisseSvizzeraBelgiëBelgiqueBelgienDanmarkEspañaFranceItaliaNederlandNorgeENTER RETURNSELECTe.g., [DMR-EH55]TV Aspect16:94:3Letterbox16:9 WIDE TV4:3 TVENTER RETURNSELECTAuto-SetupDo you want to setupthe GUIDE Plus+ system ?ENTER RETURNSELECTYes NoDownloaded From Disc-Player.com Panasonic Manuals