38RQT8415Playing DivX discs, MP3 discs and still pictures (JPEG/TIFF)[-R] [CD]You can play DVD-R and CD-R/CD-RW discs which contain MP3files, DivX video contents or still pictures that have been recorded ona computer.The screen shown below is displayed when you insert a disccontaining DivX video contents, MP3 files and still pictures (JPEG/TIFF).≥When playing the file displayed on the screenPress [ENTER].≥When you want to play files other than the one displayed on thescreenFollow the steps below.1 Press [RETURN].2 Press [FUNCTIONS].3 Press [3, 4] to select “Menu” and press[ENTER].4 Press [3, 4] to select playback mode and press[ENTER].If “DivX” is selected: Go to “Playing DivX discs” step 2 in the rightcolumn.If “MP3” is selected: Go to “Playing MP3 discs” step 2on page 39.If “JPEG” is selected: Go to “Playing still pictures” step 4 on page40[-R] [CD]You can play DVD-R and CD-R/CD-RW discs which contain DivXvideo contents that have been recorded on a computer.PreparationPress [DRIVE SELECT] to select the DVD drive.1 Press [DIRECT NAVIGATOR].≥Files are treated as titles.≥When the MP3 or JPEG Menu is displayed, perform steps1–4 in “To select file type” on the left column selecting “DivX”in step 4 to change the playback mode.2 Press [3, 4] to select the title andpress [ENTER].Play starts on the selected title.≥You can also select the title with the numbered buttons.To stop playingPress [∫].To show other pagesPress [:, 9].To exit the screenPress [DIRECT NAVIGATOR].[Note]≥Picture sizes set at the recording time may prevent the unit fromshowing pictures in the adequate aspect. You may be able toadjust the aspect through the TV.≥Successive play is not possible.≥Playback is not possible if recording is performed on the HDDdrive.1 While the file list is displayedPress [1] while a title is highlighted to displaythe tree screen.2 Press [3, 4] to select a folder and press [ENTER].The file list for the folder appears.To return to the previous screenPress [RETURN].Selecting file type to playTo select file type6, 5TIME SLIPTIME SLIPDISPLAYDISPLAYSTATUSSTATUSAUDIOAUDIODIRECT TV RECDIRECT TV RECEXT LINKEXT LINKREC MODEREC MODERECRECMANUAL SKIPMANUAL SKIPCREATECREATECHAPTERCHAPTERENTERENTERFUNCTIONSDIRECTNAVIGATORGUIDERETURNRETURNSUB MENUSUB MENUSPROG/CHECKPROG/CHECKPLAY/x1.3PAUSEPAUSESTOPSTOPSLOW/SEARCHSLOW/SEARCHSKIPSKIPDELETEDELETEShowViewShowViewCHCHPAGEPAGESELECTINPUT0987654321VOLUMEVOLUMECHCHAVAVÍTVTVDRIVEDRIVESELECTSELECTÍDVDFUNCTIONS3,4,2,1ENTER1DIRECTNAVIGATORSUB MENUSTAUTSRETURNDRIVE SELECT∫:, 9Í DVDNumberedbuttons“Green”Play mode is set to DivX.To play another type of file,select the file typefrom Menu in FUNCIONS.e.g.,Play Mode : DivXFUNCTIONSCD(DivX/MP3/JPEG)RecordingMenuCopyTo OthersENTERRETURNMenuSelect file type.MenuMP3MP3DivXJPEGPlaying DivX discse.g., 5: [0] ➡ [0] ➡ [5]15: [0] ➡ [1] ➡ [5]Using the tree screen to find a folderCD (DivX)ENTERRETURNDivX MenuNo. Name of Title TreePage 001/001 Total Title : 001001 ABC.aviFolder1 : 00025CD (DivX)ENTERRETURNDivX MenuF 1/21FolderImage001Image002Image003Image004Image005Image006Image007Image008Image009Image010DATA1DATA212.02.2004F: Selected folder no./Total folder no. including DivX title.You cannot selectfolders that contain nocompatible files.Downloaded From Disc-Player.com Panasonic Manuals