22RQT8415Set up to match your television and remote controlYou can enjoy progressive video by connecting this unit’sCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT terminals to an LCD/plasma televisionor LCD projector compatible with progressive scan (➡ 81).1 While stoppedPress [FUNCTIONS].2 Press [3, 4] to select “To Others”and press [ENTER].3 Press [3, 4] to select “Setup” andpress [ENTER].4 Press [3, 4] to select “Connection”and press [1].5 Press [3, 4] to select “Progressive”and press [ENTER].6 Press [3, 4] to select “On” and press[ENTER].Output becomes progressive.[Note]≥When connected to a regular television (CRT: Cathode ray tube) ora multi system television using PAL mode, even if it is progressivecompatible, progressive output can cause some flickering. Turn off“Progressive” if this occurs (➡ 43).≥Picture will not be displayed correctly if connected to anincompatible television.≥There is no output from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT terminals if“AV1 Output” in the Setup menu is set to “RGB 1 (withoutcomponent)” or “RGB 2 (without component)”.To return to the previous screenPress [RETURN].To exit the screenPress [RETURN] several times.To enjoy progressive videoTIME SLIPTIME SLIPDISPLAYDISPLAYSTATUSSTATUSAUDIOAUDIODIRECT TV RECDIRECT TV RECEXT LINKEXT LINKREC MODEREC MODERECRECMANUAL SKIPMANUAL SKIPCREATECREATECHAPTERCHAPTERENTERENTERFUNCTIONSDIRECTNAVIGATORGUIDERETURNRETURNSUB MENUSUB MENUSPROG/CHECKPROG/CHECKPLAY/x1.3PAUSEPAUSESTOPSTOPSLOW/SEARCHSLOW/SEARCHSKIPSKIPDELETEDELETEShowViewShowViewCHCHPAGEPAGESELECTINPUT0987654321VOLUMEVOLUMECHCHAVAVÍTVTVDRIVEDRIVESELECTSELECTÍDVD3,4,2,1ENTERFUNCTIONSRETURNNumberedbuttonsTV operationbuttonsRemainFUNCTIONS70:00 SPHDDRecordingPlaybackCopyDeleteTo OthersENTERRETURNSetupDownload from TVManualAuto-Setup RestartDiscPictureSoundDisplayTuningConnectionOthersTABRETURNSELECTSetupAV2 SettnigsVideoAV1 OutputPALTV SystemOffProgressiveTV Aspect 4:3DiscPictureSoundDisplayTuningConnectionOthersTABRETURNSELECTENTERSetupOffOnProgressiveDiscPictureSoundDisplayTuningConnectionOthers RETURNSELECTENTERDownloaded From Disc-Player.com Panasonic Manuals