42RQT8415Using on-screen menus/Status message1 Press [DISPLAY].≥Depending on the condition of the unit (playing, stopped,etc.) and disc contents, there are some items that youcannot select or change.2 Press [3, 4] to select the menu andpress [1].3 Press [3, 4] to select the item andpress [1].4 Press [3, 4] to select the setting.≥Some items can be changed by pressing [ENTER].To clear the on-screen menusPress [DISPLAY].§ With some discs, you may only be able to make changes using themenus (➡ 35) on the disc.≥The display changes according to the disc content. You cannotchange when there is no recording.Audio attributeLanguageUsing on-screen menusCommon proceduresTIME SLIPTIME SLIPDISPLAYDISPLAYSTATUSSTATUSAUDIOAUDIODIRECT TV RECDIRECT TV RECEXT LINKEXT LINKREC MODEREC MODERECRECMANUAL SKIPMANUAL SKIPCREATECREATECHAPTERCHAPTERENTERENTERFUNCTIONSDIRECTNAVIGATORGUIDERETURNRETURNSUB MENUSUB MENUSPROG/CHECKPROG/CHECKPLAY/x1.3PAUSEPAUSESTOPSTOPSLOW/SEARCHSLOW/SEARCHSKIPSKIPDELETEDELETEShowViewShowViewCHCHPAGEPAGESELECTINPUT0987654321VOLUMEVOLUMECHCHAVAVÍTVTVDRIVEDRIVESELECTSELECTÍDVD3,4,2,1ENTERDISPLAYSTATUSDiscPlayPictureSoundSoundtrackSubtitle1Audio channelOffL RÎ Digital 2/0 chOtherMenu Item SettingDisc menu—Setting the disc contentSoundtrack§[HDD] [RAM] [-R] [-R]DL] [-RW‹V›] [+R] [+R]DL] [+RW] [-RW‹VR›]The disc’s audio attributes appear.[DVD-V] [DVD-A]Select the audio and language (➡ below, Audio attribute,Language).[VCD] (SVCD) and DivXSelect the soundtrack number.≥Soundtrack numbers are displayed even when there is only oneaudio type.Subtitle§[DVD-V] [DVD-A]Turn the subtitle on/off and select the language (➡ below,Language).[HDD] [RAM] [-R] [-R]DL] [-RW‹V›] [+R] [+R]DL] [+RW] [-RW‹VR›] (Onlydiscs that contain subtitle on/off information)Turn the subtitle on/off.≥Subtitle on/off information cannot be recorded using this unit.[VCD] (SVCD) and DivXTurn the subtitle on/off and select the subtitle number.≥Subtitle numbers are displayed even if there are not multiplesubtitles.Angle§ [DVD-V] [DVD-A]Change the number to select an angle.Audio channel [HDD] [RAM] [-RW‹VR›] [VCD] and DivX➡ 36, Changing audio during playSTILL-P (Still picture) [DVD-A]Selects the play method for still pictures.Slide Show: Plays according to the default order on the disc.Page: Select the still picture number and play.≥RANDOM: Plays in random order.≥Return: Returns to the default still picture on the disc.Source Select (DivX)≥Automatic: The constructing method of the DivX contentsis automatically distinguished and output.≥Interlace: Select when the disc contents were recordedusing interlace.≥Progressive: Select when the disc contents were recordedusing progressive.PBC (Playback control ➡ 81) [VCD]Indicates whether menu play (playback control) is on or off.LPCM/PPCM/ÎDigital/DTS/MPEG:k (kHz):b (bit):ch (channel):Signal typeSampling frequencyNumber of bitsNumber of channelsENG: EnglishFRA: FrenchDEU: GermanITA: ItalianESP: SpanishNLD: DutchSVE: SwedishNOR: NorwegianDAN: DanishPOR: PortugueseRUS: RussianJPN: JapaneseCHI: ChineseKOR: KoreanMAL: MalayVIE: VietnameseTHA: Thai¢: OthersDownloaded From Disc-Player.com Panasonic Manuals