38RQT9075Creating, editing and playing playlists[HDD] [RAM]≥The maximum number of items on a disc:– Playlists: 99– Chapters in playlists: Approx. 1000(Depends on the state of recording.)≥If you exceed the maximum numbers of items for a disc, all theitems entered will not be recorded.[HDD] [RAM]Preparation≥Turn on the television and select the appropriate AV input to suitthe connection to this unit.≥Turn the unit on.≥Press [DRIVE SELECT] to select the drive containing the recordedtitle to be edited.≥[RAM] Release protection (➡ 54, Setting the protection).≥You cannot create or edit a playlist while recording or whilecopying.≥Playlists must be made in accordance with the encoding systemcurrently selected in “TV System” (➡ 60).1 While stoppedPress [FUNCTION MENU].2 Press [3, 4] to select “To Others”and press [OK].e.g., [Australia]and]N.Z.]3 Press [3, 4] to select “Playlists” andpress [OK].4 Press [3, 4, 2, 1] to select “Create”and press [OK].5 Press [2, 1] to select the source titleand press [4].≥Press [OK] to select all the chapters in the title, then skip tostep 7.6 Press [2, 1] to select the chapter youwant to add to a playlist and press[OK].Press [3] to cancel.≥You can also create a new chapter from the source title.Press [OPTION] to select “Create Chapter” and press [OK](➡ 37, Create Chapter).7 Press [2, 1] to select the position toinsert the chapter and press [OK].≥Press [3] to select other source titles.≥Repeat steps 6–7 to add other chapters.8 Press [RETURN].All the selected scenes become the playlist.To return to the previous screenPress [RETURN].To exit the screenPress [EXIT].You can arrange the chapters (➡ 36) to create a playlist.Copying (➡ 43) a playlist will create a title.≥Playlists are not recorded separately so this doesn’t use muchcapacity.≥Editing chapters in a playlist does not modify the source titlesand source chapters.≥You cannot create or edit playlists while recording or copying.Creating playlistsTitleChapterPlaylist ChapterTitleChapter Chapter Chapter ChapterChapterRemainFUNCTION MENU30:00 SPHDDRecordingPlaybackCopyDeleteTo OthersG-Code RecordAdvanced CopyPlaylistsFlexible RecDV Auto RecSetupHDD ManagementOKRETURNPlaylists Playlist View- -- -CreateHDD- -- -- -- -Create001 ARD 11.10. SAT001001Source TitleSource ChapterChapters in PlaylistPage 001/001002 003 ------------002PlaylistsPress RETURN to finish.HDD------Page 001/001Page 001/001OKRETURN OPTION---Create001 ARD 11.10. SAT001001Source TitleSource ChapterChapters in PlaylistPage 001/001002 003 ---------------002PlaylistsPress RETURN to finish.HDD------Page 001/001Page 001/001OKRETURN OPTIONCreate001 ARD 11.10. SAT001 002 003 ---------------Source TitleSource ChapterChapters in PlaylistPress RETURN to finish.001 002HDD------Page 001/001PlaylistsPage 001/001Page 001/001OKRETURN