49RQT8850Connection and SettingRemote Control Codes for the TV (Continued)Manufacturer CodeSylvania 0020 / 0028 / 0030 / 0054 / 0065 / 0096 / 0171 /0381Symphonic 0171 / 0180Syntax-Brillian 1007 / 1144 / 1240 / 1255 / 1257 / 1258 / 1331Tatung 0003 / 0049 / 0055 / 0396 / 1756Thomson 0209 / 0210 / 0047Toshiba 0036 / 0060 / 0149 / 0154 / 0156 / 0650 / 0832 /0845 / 1156 / 1256 / 1265 / 1356 / 1656 / 1704Ultra Products 0391Viewsonic 0857 / 0864 / 0885 / 1755Westinghouse 0885 / 0889 / 0890 / 1282 / 1577Yamaha 0019 / 0030 / 0769 / 0833 / 0839Zenith 0016 / 0017 / 0092 / 0178 / 0463 / 1265Remote Control Codes for the Set Top Box:Cable BoxManufacturer CodePanasonic 0000 / 0107ABC 0003 / 0008Americast 0899Bell South 0899Digeo 1187Director 0476General Instrument 0003 / 0276 / 0476 / 0810GoldStar 0144Hamlin 0009 / 0273Jerrold 0003 / 0276 / 0476 / 0810Memorex 0000Motorola 1376 / 0276 / 0476 / 0810 / 1187Pace 0008 / 0237 / 1877Paragon 0000Philips 0317 / 1305Pioneer 0144 / 0533 / 0877 / 1877Pulsar 0000Quasar 0000Regal 0273 / 0279Runco 0000Samsung 0144Scientific Atlanta 0008 / 0477 / 0877 / 1877Sony 1006Starcom 0003Supercable 0276Torx 0003Toshiba 0000Zenith 0000 / 0525 / 0899Satellite ReceiverManufacturer CodePanasonic 0152 / 0247 / 0701 / 1786AlphaStar 0772Chaparral 0216Crossdigital 1109DirecTV 0099 / 0247 / 0392 / 0566 / 0639 / 0724 /0749 / 0819 / 1076 / 1108 / 1109 / 1142 /1377 / 1392 / 1414 / 1442 / 1443 / 1444 /1609 / 1639 / 1640 / 1749 / 1856Dish Network System 0775 / 1005 / 1170 / 1505 / 1775Dishpro 0775 / 1005 / 1505 / 1775Echostar 0775 / 1005 / 1170 / 1505 / 1775Expressvu 0775 / 1775GE 0392 / 0566General Instrument 0869GOI 0775 / 1775Goodmans 1246Hisense 1535Hitachi 0819 / 1250HTS 0775 / 1775Hughes 0749 / 1442 / 1749Hughes NetworkSystems0749 / 1142 / 1442 / 1443 / 1444 / 1749Satellite Receiver (Continued)Manufacturer CodeiLo 1535Janeil 0152Jerrold 0869JVC 0775 / 1170 / 1775LG 1226 / 1414Magnavox 0722 / 0724Memorex 0724Mitsubishi 0749Motorola 0856 / 0869NEC 1270Next Level 0869Paysat 0724Philips 0099 / 0722 / 0724 / 0749 / 0819 / 1076 / 1142 /1442 / 1749Pioneer 1442Proscan 0392 / 0566Proton 1535RadioShack 0869RCA 0143 / 0392 / 0566 / 0855 / 1392Samsung 1108 / 1109 / 1142 / 1276 / 1377 / 1442 / 1609Sanyo 1219Sony 0639 / 1639 / 1640Star Choice 0869Tivo 1142 / 1442 / 1443 / 1444Toshiba 0749 / 0790 / 0819 / 1285 / 1749UltimateTV 1392 / 1640Uniden 0722 / 0724US Digital 1535USDTV 1535Voom 0869Zenith 1856Cable Box / Personal Video Recorder CombinationManufacturer CodeAmericast 0899Digeo 1187General Instrument 0476 / 0810Jerrold 0476 / 0810Motorola 0476 / 0810 / 1187 / 1376Pace 0237 / 1877Pioneer 0877 / 1877Scientific Atlanta 0877 / 1877Sony 1006Supercable 0276Zenith 0899Digital Broadcast Satellite / Personal VideoRecorder CombinationManufacturer CodeDirecTV 0099 / 0392 / 0639 / 1076 / 1142 / 1377 /1392 / 1442 / 1443 / 1444 / 1640Dish Network System 0775 / 1505Dishpro 0775 / 1505Echostar 0775 / 1170 / 1505Expressvu 0775Hughes NetworkSystems1142 / 1442 / 1443 / 1444JVC 1170Motorola 0869Philips 1142 / 1442Proscan 0392RCA 1392Samsung 1442Sony 0639 / 1640Star Choice 0869 PreviousNext |