54RQT8850MP3s and Still Pictures (JPEG)MP3 File InformationPlayable discs CDFile format MP3Files must have the extension “.mp3”or “.MP3”.Numberof folders(groups)Maximum number of folders (groups)recognizable:99 folders (groups) (including the rootfolder)Number of files(tracks)Maximum number of files (tracks)recognizable:999 files (tracks) (Total number forall the MP3, JPEG and other type offiles.)Bit rates 32 kbps to 320 kbpsSamplingfrequency16 kHz/22.05 kHz/24 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHzID3 tags not compatibleIf there is a large amount of still picture data etc.within an MP3 file, play may not be possible.•Still Picture (JPEG) InformationPlayable discs CDFile format JPEGFiles must have the extension “.jpg” or“.JPG”.Number ofpixelsbetween 34✕34 and 6144✕4096(Sub sampling is 4:2:2 or 4:2:0)Number offoldersMaximum number of foldersrecognizable:99 folders (including the root folder)Number of files Maximum number of filesrecognizable:999 files (Total number for all theMP3, JPEG and other type of files.)MOTION JPEG not compatibleNotesCDCompatible formats: ISO9660 level 1 or 2 (except for extendedformats) and JolietThis unit is compatible with multi-session; however, reading or playof the disc may take time if there are a lot of sessions.Operation may take time to complete when there are many files(tracks) and/or folders (groups); some files (tracks) may not displayor be playable.Images recorded at a very high resolution may take a long time todisplay.English alphabetical characters and Arabic numerals are displayedcorrectly. Other characters may not display correctly.The display order on this unit may differ from how the order isdisplayed on a computer.Depending on how you create the disc (writing software), files(tracks) and folders (groups) may not play in the order you numberthem.This unit is not compatible with packet-write format.Depending on the recording conditions, the disc may not play.TipsCDYou can play MP3s and still pictures (JPEG) on this unit by makingfolders as shown below. Depending on how you create the disc(writing software), play may not be in the order you number thefolders.How to structure MP3 foldersPrefix with 3-digit numbers in theorder you want to play them.Structure of still pictures (JPEG)Files inside a folder are displayedin the order they were updated ortaken.When the highest level foldersare “DCIM” folders, they aredisplayed first on the tree.••••••••••001 001 Group001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3004track.mp3002 Group001 Group003 GroupRootOrder of play001 001 Group001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3001track.mp3002track.mp3003track.mp3004track.mp3002 Group001 Group003 GroupRootOrder of play001 002 FolderP0000010.jpgP0000011.jpgP0000012.jpgP0000003.jpgP0000004.jpgP0000005.jpgP0000001.jpgP0000002.jpgP0000006.jpgP0000007.jpgP0000008.jpgP0000009.jpg003 Folder004 FolderRootOrder of play001 002 FolderP0000010.jpgP0000011.jpgP0000012.jpgP0000003.jpgP0000004.jpgP0000005.jpgP0000001.jpgP0000002.jpgP0000006.jpgP0000007.jpgP0000008.jpgP0000009.jpg003 Folder004 FolderRootOrder of play