5 DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS5.1 GeneralThis section provi es isasse bly an reasse bly proce ures or the ain co ponents o the G450 systeThese proce ures MUST be per or e by uali ie service personnel at an authori e service centreThe ollo ing arnings an precautions MUST be observe uring ALL isasse bly reasse bly operationsWARNINGThe e uip ent escribe in this anual contains polarise capacitors utilising li ui electrolyte These evicesare entirely sa e provi e that neither a short-circuit nor a reverse polarity connection is a e across thecapacitor ter inals AILURE T SER E T IS AR I G CUL RESULT I AMAGE T T EE UI ME T R AT RST SSI LE I UR T ERS EL RESULTI G R M ELECTRIC S CKR T E A ECTE CA ACIT R E L I G E TREME CARE MUST E E ERCISE AT ALL TIMESE A LI G T ESE E ICESCautionThe e uip ent escribe in this anual contains electrostatic sensitive evices ES s a age can occur tothese evices i the appropriate han ling proce ure is not a here toESD Handling precautions:A orking area here ES s ay be sa ely han le ithout un ue risk o a age ro electrostatic ischargeust be available The area ust be e uippe as ollo sWorking Surfaces - All orking sur aces ust have a issipative bench at SA E or use ith live e uip entconnecte via a 1M2 resistor usually built into the lea to a co on groun pointWrist Strap - A uick release skin contact evice ith a le ible cor hich has a built in sa ety resistor o bet een5k2 an 1M2 shall be use The le ible cor ust be attache to a issipative earth pointContainers - All containers an storage ust be o the con uctive typeMCUK970901C8 Section 5 Issue 1Service Manual 5 - 1 Revision 0DISASSEMBLY/REASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS