6.2.3 Rx Characteristics1. SensitivityThe re erence sensitivity per or ance in ter s o ra e erasure bit error or resi ual bit error rates hichever isappropriate is speci ie in the ollo ing table accor ing to the propagation con itionPROPAGATION CONDITIONSType o Channel Static TU50noTU50i ealRA250noT100noTC S ERClass Ib R ERClass II R ER0 10 4260 4830 3820 2770 59The re erence sensitivity level is -102NOTE:1 1 6 The value o can be i erent or each channel con ition but ust re ain the sa e or ERan class Ib R ER easure ents or the sa e channel con ition2. lockingInterferer Frequency (MHz) Interferer Level (dBm)set ro ante carrierin ban 915 - 980M600k800k1 6M-43-33-23ut o ban re uency ban s0 1 - 915980 - 1275000Measure ent Con itionsante carrier is 3 above re erence sensitivityInter erer is CSpurious response e ceptions6 e ceptions are per itte I ban 915 - 980M24 e ceptions are per itte UTSI E ban 915 - 980M3. Inter o ulation CharacteristicsInterferer Level (f1 & f2) dBm Interferer Frequencies (f1 & f2)-49 ante re uency2 1 - 2 an 2 - 1 800kIssue 1 Section 6 MCUK970901C8Revision 0 6 - 4 Service ManualTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS