Target Power Level Peak Power (dBm) Tolerance (dB) Initial CalibrationValue Change per dBL17 9 3 128 2L18 7 3 128 1L19 5 3 128 1Calibration of output power on each power levelTo be able to calibrate the ra ping gain it is irst necessary to s itch the unit into Test Mo e section 7 3This proce ure ust be ollo e or all po er levels L5- L19 or lo e iu an high channels1. Set the C controls to Channel 62 at o er Level 5 nor al burst o ulate ith ran o ata as ollo sa ress the o n arro until C AGE C 62 is highlighte an then press E TERb ress the o n arro until L L19 is highlighte ress the ove le t arro until 5 appears in thehighlighte iel ress E TERc igure 12 ress the o n arro until T ATA is highlighte ress the ove arrountil RL Rappears in the highlighte iel ress E TERFigure 12: T ata iel 450-07122. At the GSM test unit easure the eak o er3. I the easure po er is in the range o the target po er see previous table then procee to step 104. ress 7 to vie the TRIM or the i channel Make a note o this value5. er or the ollo ing calculationSet Rgain L5 alue recor e in ste p 4 change in L to eet speci ie value or Change perMake a note o the ans erIssue 1 Section 7 MCUK970901C8Revision 0 7 - 10 Service ManualTEST AND MEASUREMENT