I Inc Calibration1. Set Ich o set to 3 see Ich check step 12 Using the spectru analyser easure the carrier leakage ratio3 I the carrier leakage ratio is greater than 30 c then the unit is K o set calibration is co plete4. I not then repeat steps 1 2 an 3 above or Ich o set values 9 12 15 18 215. I the carrier leakage ratio is still not greater than 30 c then go to ch CheckQch Check1. Set Ich o set to 02. Set ch o set to 3a At the C press 6b igure 21 ress ove o n arro until C SET appears in the iel ress E TERc igure 22 Enter 3 into the ata iel an press enter3. Measure the ne carrier leakage ratio4. I the carrier leakage ratio is greater than 30 c the unit is K o set calibration is co plete5. I the original carrier leakage ratio see I ch sets step 2 is greater than ne carrier leakage ratio then goto ec Calibration6. I the original carrier leakage ratio is less than ne carrier leakage ratio then go to Inc CalibrationQ Dec Calibration1. Set ch o set to 61 see ch Check step 22. Measure carrier leakage ratio3. I the carrier leakage ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o setcalibration is co plete4. I not then repeat steps 1 2 an 3 above or ch o set values 58 55 52 49 46435. I the carrier leakage ratio is still less than 30 c then unit is a ailQ Inc Calibration1. Set ch o set to 6see ch Check step 22. Measure carrier leakage ratio3. I carrier leakage ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o set calibration is co plete4. I carrier leakage ratio is less than 30 c then repeat steps 1 2 an 3 above or ch o set values 9 12 1518 215. I carrier leakage ratio is less than 30 c then unit is a ailI, Qch GainIM RTA T I ch o set calibration shoul be one be ore this calibrationSpectru Analyser Setupcentre re uency 902 4MR 10k1kspan 1Ms eep ti e 2sec1. Set the C controls to channel 62 at po er level 5 nor al burst o ulate ith all 0 sa ress the o n arro until C A GE C is highlighte an then press E TERb ress the o n arro until L is highlighte ress E TERc ress the o n arro until T ATA is highlighte ress the ove arro until appears in thehighlighte iel ress E TERIssue 1 Section 7 MCUK970901C8Revision 0 7 - 16Service ManualTEST AND MEASUREMENT