18Chapter 4 SettingsYou can set parameters for measuring and the other functions using the keys on Eco-POWER METER.After wiring Eco-POWER METER and CT, power on and set the parameter for power measurement,Eco-POWER Meter can measure the electric power. In order to use the other functions, set otherparameters according to your use.◆Keys’ functions at setting mode Shift to setting mode Set the items and values▽>, - △> Select items and change values◆Parameters for power measurementItem Range Initial valuePhase/Wire system 1P2W, 1P3W, 3P3W 3P4W 1P2WCT type 1, 5 [A] 5APrimary side current of CT 1 to 65535 [A] 5ARated voltage 100 to 500 [V] 100VVT ratio 1.00 to 600.00 1.00Over voltage (ON threshold) 100.0 to 120.0 [%] 105.0%Over voltage (OFF threshold) 100.0 to 120.0 [%] 105.0%Under voltage (ON threshold) 5.0 to 100.0 [%] 95.0%Under voltage (OFF threshold) 5.0 to 100.0 [%] 95.0%Over current (ON threshold) 0.1 to 120.0 [%] 100.0%Over current (OFF threshold) 0.1 to 120.0 [%] 100.0%Under current (ON threshold) 0.0 to 100.0 [%] 0.0%Under current (OFF threshold) 0.0 to 100.0 [%] 0.0%Conversion rate (P) total0.00 to 99.99/1kWh 10.00Conversion rate (P) time-zone1Conversion rate (P) time-zone2Conversion rate (P) time-zone3Conversion rate (P) time-zone4Conversion rate (-P) totalConversion rate (-P) time-zone1Conversion rate (-P) time-zone2Conversion rate (-P) time-zone3Conversion rate (-P) time-zone4◆Parameters for demand measurementItem Range Initial valuePower demand typePeak (Peak demand),Slide (Sliding block),Fixed (Fixed block),30min (30-min demand)PeakPower demand interval 1 1 to 60 [min.] 15Power demand interval 2 1 to 60 [min.] 130-min demand calculationmethod Add (addition), Avg (average) AddPower input CT (CT input), PM (Pulse input) CTPulse unit kWh (electric power),PLS (pulse constant) kWhPulse rate(convert to electric power) 0.001 to 100.000 [kWh] 1.000Pulse constant number 50000[pulse/kWh], 2000[pulse/kWh] 50000Current interval 1 to 60 [min.] 15Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: info@clrwtr.com