6. Copy396 CopyCopying6.1 Making a copy1 Adjust the width of the document guides (1)to fit the actual size of the document.2 Insert the document (up to 20 pages) FACEDOWN until a single beep is heard and theunit grasps the document.L If the document guides are not adjustedto fit the document, re-adjust them.3 If necessary, press {RESOLUTION}repeatedly to select the desired resolution.4 Press {COPY START}.L If necessary, enter the number of copies(up to 99).5 Press {COPY START}, or wait for 20seconds.L The unit will start copying.Note:L Any document which can be sent as a fax canalso be copied (page 30).To select the resolutionSelect the desired resolution according to thetype of document.– “FINE”: For printed or typewrittendocuments with small print.– “SUPER FINE”: For documents with verysmall print.– “PHOTO”: For documents containingphotographs, shaded drawings, etc.– “PHOTO WITH TEXT”: For documentscontaining photographs and text.L If you select “STANDARD”, copying will bedone using “FINE” mode.To stop copyingPress {STOP}.6.1.1 More copying featuresTo enlarge a document1. Insert the document, then press {COPYSTART}.2. Press {A} repeatedly to select from “105%”to “200%” by changing the enlargement rate5% at a time.3. Press {COPY START}.L The unit will only enlarge the centre of theupper part of the document. To make anenlarged copy of the bottom of thedocument, turn the document around,and then make a copy.Example: 150% enlarged copyTo reduce a document1. Insert the document, then press {COPYSTART}.2. Press {B} repeatedly to select from “50%” to“95%” by changing the reduction rate 5% at atime.3. Press {COPY START}.Example: 70% reduced copy{RESOLUTION}{COLLATE}{COPY START}{STOP}{A}{B}1Original document Enlarged copyOriginal document Reduced copyA BC DA BC DA BC DA BC D