3. Telephone47– If the paging party hangs up before youanswer the page, “Incoming call” will bedisplayed. Press {TALK} or {SP-PHONE} totake the transferred call.3.15 ConferenceA conference call allows two extensions to speaktogether with an outside caller. While you aretalking with a caller, page the base unit or ahandset to start the conference call.L Keep the front cover page open for buttonlocations.3.15.1 Handset1 During a phone call, press{INTERCOM/TRANSFER}.L “IN USE” will flash on the display and thecall will be put on hold.2 To page the base unit, press {0}.ORTo page another handset, enter itsextension number using a dialing button ({1}to {8}).3 When the paged party answers, press{CONF/FUNCTION} on your handset tomake a conference call.Example: Conference with the base unitL You can switch to the speaker by pressing{SP-PHONE}. To switch back to thereceiver, press {TALK}.L To leave the conference, press {OFF}.The other two parties can continue theconversation.3.15.2 Base unit1 During an outside call, press{LOCATOR/INTERCOM}.L The call will be put on hold.2 To page a handset, enter its extensionnumber using a dialing button ({1} to {8}).3 When the paged party answers, press{CONF} on the base unit to make aconference call.Example: Conference with handset 1CONFERENCE[01 ]L To leave the conference, press {DIGITALSP-PHONE}. The other two parties cancontinue the conversation.During a conference callL The phone call can be put on hold bypressing {HOLD/CLEAR} on the handset or{HOLD} on the base unit. Internalcommunications between extensions are notsuspended. Only the person who placed thecall on hold can resume the full conference;press {CONF/FUNCTION} on the handset or{CONF} on the base unit.L One more extension can join the conferencecall (Call share feature, page 47).3.16 Call shareThis feature allows a handset or the base unit tojoin the existing outside call.L Keep the front cover page open for buttonlocations.3.16.1 To join a conversation(Call share feature)2 additional extensions can join an existingphone call, for a total of 4 people (including theoutside caller) taking part in the conference.Handset:Press {TALK} or {SP-PHONE}.Base unit:Press {DIGITAL SP-PHONE}.During a transferL If you do not announce the transfer andthe paged party does not answer within 1minute after you hang up, your extensionwill ring and the transferred call will bereturned to you. If you still do not answerthe call within 4 minutes, the call will bedisconnected. You may answer the callagain by pressing {TALK}, {SP-PHONE}or {DIGITAL SP-PHONE} at any time,provided the transfer has not beenanswered by another extension. Whenanswering the call again, you may alsotransfer the caller into a mailbox (page63).