8. Programmable Features76Code #17: Setting the ringer tone for outsidecallsRINGER TONE=TONE 1 [±]To set the base unit ringer tone from one of 7patterns for outside calls. You can select “TONE1” (default), “TONE 2”, “TONE 3”, “MELODY1”, “MELODY 2”, “MELODY 3” or “MELODY 4”.Note:L You can also program this feature with thehandset (page 83).L To set the handset ringer tone, see page 83.L If you have downloaded ringer melodiesusing the openLCR service, they can also beselected. See page 109 for details.8.3 Advanced featuresCode #21: Activating the Talking Caller IDfeatureTALK CALLER IDMODE=ON [±]“ON” (default): Caller names will be announcedfrom the speakerphone.“OFF”: Deactivates this feature.Note:L If the ringer volume is OFF, caller names willnot be announced.Code #22: Setting the journal report to printautomaticallyAUTO JOURNALMODE=ON [±]“ON” (default): The unit will print a journal reportautomatically after every 30 new faxtransmissions and receptions (page 54).“OFF”: The unit will not print a journal report, butwill keep a record of the last 30 fax transmissionsand receptions.Code #23: Sending documents overseasOVERSEAS MODEMODE=ERROR [±]If you cannot send a fax overseas even if thenumber is correct and the line is connected,activate this feature before sending the fax.This feature improves the reliability by reducingthe transmission speed.“NEXT FAX”: This setting is effective only for thenext attempted fax transmission. Aftertransmission, the unit will return to the previoussetting.“ERROR” (default): When the previous faxtransmission fails and you wish to re-send thedocument.“OFF”: Deactivates this feature.Note:L This feature is not available for broadcasttransmission.L Calling charges may be higher than usual.Code #25: Sending a fax at a specific timeDELAYED SENDMODE=OFF [±]This feature allows you to take advantage of low-cost calling hours offered by your telephonecompany. This feature can be set up to 24 hoursin advance of the desired time.