50# Prescan button ( )Prescans a document. The settings of the Area Duplicate and the ColorAdjustment will be reset to the default settings. If a document is duplicatedfrom the ADF tray, the document is fed out completely. However, if adocument is prescanned from the ADF tray but not duplicated, it will remainin the ADF tray. To eject the document, press the Feed Out button ( + $).$ Feed Out button ( )Ejects the document that remains in the ADF tray.% Create button ( )Creates a selection area in the Original box.& Resize button ( )Selects, resizes and moves a selection area.' Copy button ( )Used to copy a selection area in the Original box.( Delete button ( )Deletes a selection area in the Original box.) Paste button ( )Pastes a selection area in the Layout box.* Copy button ( )Used to copy an image in the Layout box.+ Delete button ( )Deletes an image in the Layout box., Negative/Positive button ( )Creates a negative image in the Layout box.- Mirror button ( )Creates a mirror image in the Layout box.. Digit button ( )Resizes an image in the Layout box by entering numerical value./ Repeat button ( )Creates multiple images in the Layout box.0 Fit To Paper button ( )Enlarges an image in the Layout box to fit the printing area of paper.Area DuplicateA pop-up menu that displays the available functions can also be usedinstead of function buttons.To display the pop-up menu, click the right mouse button in theOriginal box or Layout box.