System Programming 4-854.2 System Programming [804]-[805]Selects printing out the account code stored in program [310] “Account Codes”, or just theindex of the account code on SMDR printout.Default CODE• The printing of the index of the account code only occurs if the extension user entered theiraccount code in the “Verify-All” or “Verify-Toll” input mode as programmed in [605]“Account Code Entry Mode”.• Feature ReferencesSection 3, FeaturesAccount Code Entry, Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)[805] SMDR Account Code Selection508 NEXT SELECT(CODE/INDEX)STORE END*1 Outside (CO) line number: 1 through 6 / (All outside lines)*2 Extension jack number: 01 through 24 / (All extension jacks)*3 DSS console number: 1 through 2 / (Both DSS console numbers)• This program and [999] “System Data Clear” are not included.• Feature ReferenceSection 3, FeaturesStation Message Detail Recording (SMDR)NEXT STORESELECT< To select the Extension parameter. >ENDTo continueSTORENEXT STORESELECT< To select the DSS parameter. >ENDSTORE DSS console no.*3(1···2/ )extension jack no.*2(01··· 24/ )To continue408408(All/System/CO/Ext/DSS Para/Speed Dial/Stop Output)(All/System/CO/Ext/DSS Para/Speed Dial/Stop Output)!!!!NEXT STORESELECT< To select the CO (outside line) parameter. >ENDoutside line no.*1(1 ···6/ )To continueSTORE408(All/System/CO/Ext/DSS Para/Speed Dial/Stop Output)++