l Answering System Features55Helpline Tel. No.: U.K. 08700 100 076 R.O.I. 01289 8333Remote commandsYou can press dial keys to access certainanswering system functions without waitingfor the voice guidance to prompt you.Remote room monitoringThis feature allows you to listen in on a roomwhere another handset is located, allowingyou to monitor the sound in a room while outof the house. To use this feature, set theprivacy feature to “Off” (page 35).L While you are operating with remotecommands:{3} i Press {#} and enter the desiredhandset number within 10 seconds afterthe long beep.L When finished, press {9} or hang up.Turning on the answering systemremotelyIf the answering system is off, you can turn iton remotely.1 Dial your phone number from a touchtone phone.2 Let the phone ring 20 times.L A long beep will be heard.3 Enter your remote access code within 10seconds after the long beep.L The greeting message is played back.L You can hang up, or enter your remoteaccess code again and begin remoteoperation.Guide to answeringsystem settingsIf the base unit is reset to its default settings(page 39), the following answering system-related settings will be reset.Key Remote command{1} Repeat message (duringplayback) *1{2} Skip message (duringplayback){3}{#}Handset No.Room monitoring{4} Play new messages{5} Play all messages{6} Play greeting message{7} Record greetingmessage{9} Stop (recording,playback){0} Turn answering systemoff{*}{4} Erase this message(during playback){*}{5} Erase all messages{*}{6} Erase greeting message(during greetingmessage playback){*}{#} End remote operation(or hang up)*1 If pressed within the first 5 seconds ofa message, the previous message willbe played.Answeringsystem settingDefaultsettingPageAnsweringsystem on/offAnswer on page51Remote accesscode— page54Number ofrings4 Rings page56Caller’srecording time3 Minutes page56Call screening On page56Message alert Off page56