3 Features RRinging, DiscriminatingDescription Allows the extension user to identify the incoming call by theringing pattern. (See Section 5.1 “Tone / Ring Tone”.)Conditiqns l When there are multiple incoming calls and the extension goes fromoff-hook to on-hook, the calls are rung according to the followingpriority:c 1 > Consultation Hold Recallc2> An incoming call from a line in which the Prime LinePreference - Incoming function has been set (with aproprietary telephone only)c3> Call Waitingc4> Incoming calls; Hold Recall; Transfer Recall; UnattendedConference Recalll If multiple incoming calls arrive at an on-hook extensionsimultaneously, priority as to which calls should be rung is generally ona “first-come, first-serve” basis. In the case of proprietary telephones(PT), however, when the prime Line Preference - Incoming functionhas been set, this line takes precedence.l Incoming TAFAS calls can be identified by ringing signals sent outfrom the external pager. The ringing pattern is the same as the outsidecalls.l The digital PT user can select a desired tone frequency for each CObutton.Programming ReferencesNo programming required.Feature References Section 3, FeaturesRinging Tone Selection for CO ButtonsOperation References Not applicable.Features 3-129