1 1 8 4 30 System ProgrammingVoice Mail Extension Number Assignment tDescription Assigns the extension number for the voice mail number. Thesenumbers can be used the same way extension numbers are used forstation access.Selection l Voice mail number (VM): 1 through 4l Extension Number: 2 through 4 digitsDefault VM-1=295, W&2=296, W&3=297, VM-4=298Programming 1.2.E n t e r 1 1 8 .Display: 118 VM EXT #Press NEXT. VM NO?+Enter a voice mail number.To enter voice mail number 1, you can also press NEXT.Display: VM-1:#2-1:295Enter an extension number.To change the current entry, press CLEAR and enter the new number.Press STORE.To program another voice mail number, press NEXT orPREV, or SELECT and the desired voice mail number.7. Repeat steps 4 through 6.8. Press END.Conditions l You cannot leave an entry empty.l Double entries and incompatible entries for extension numbers areinvalid.l The display shows “VM-X:#Y-1:ZZZ” in step 3.“X” means the voice mail number. “Y” means the jack number of thevoice mail port programmed in [ 1171 “Voice Mail NumberAssignment”.“-1” of Y-l means the first part of jack number in digital line.Y-2 means the second number of the jack number in digital line.Section 3, FeaturesVoice Mail Integration for Digital Proprietary TelephonesFeature References4-50 System Programming t: Available when the Digital Super Hybrid System is connected to a DigitalProprietary Telephone capable Panasonic Voice Processing System (onethat supports digital proprietary telephone integration; e.g. KX-TVS 100).