1.17 Message FeaturesFeature Guide 1312) SLT settingIn this example:a) To send an SMS message to the SLT connected to extension jack 01, enter "38470011" asthe destination.b) To send an SMS message to the SLT connected to extension jack 02, enter "38470012" asthe destination.c) To send an SMS message to the SLT connected to extension jack 07, enter "38470021" asthe destination.[Programming Example: SMS Routing Table without Sub-address Numbers]When the SMS centre number used to receive SMS centre calls is "1112224444" and the telephonenumbers of each outside (CO) line are "3847001" for CO 1, "3847002" for CO 2, and "3847003" for CO 3,programme as follows:1) PBX settingSMS Centre Number for Receiving: 1112224444If the SMS centre does not support sub-address numbers, only one SLT can be assigned for eachlocation.One location can be used for each outside (CO) line telephone number.Extension Jack No. SMS Centre Number forSendingSMS Centre Number forReceivingSMS Sub-addressJack 01 89*1 P*2 1112223333 1112224444 1Jack 02 89*1 P*2 1112223333 1112224444 2Jack 07 89*1 P*2 1112223333 1112224444 1(Cont.) : : : :: : : :*1 89: Outside (CO) Line Access number used to make SMS centre calls using the fixed outside (CO)lines.When the SMS centre can receive an SMS message from any telephone number, the AutomaticLine Access number or Outside (CO) Line Access number can also be used respectively.*2 P: PauseLocation No. Outside (CO) Line No. Extension Jack No.1 CO 1 Jack 012 CO 2 Jack 023 CO 3 Jack 03