1.9 Automatic Route Selection (ARS) FeaturesFeature Guide 73[Flowchart]YesNoNoThe dialled number is sent tothe telephone company.YesA long-distancecall is made.NoYes Reorder toneNoYesYes NoAThe dialled number (other than the First CarrierAccess code) is sent to the telephone company.YesNoYes Reorder toneNoEach time a digit is dialled, the PBX checksthe dialled number (other than Host PBXAccess codes, Carrier Exception codes, andFirst Carrier Access code).Does the leadingnumber match the Route 1–4Exception Code?Digits are removedfrom the diallednumber as required.Digits are added tothe dialled numberas required.Is the dialled number anEmergency Call number?Is (another) one digitdialled within the ARSInter-digit Time?Is the diallednumber a TRS Denied Code?Is the dialled numbera TRS Denied Code?Does the diallednumber include the First CarrierAccess code?Does the leadingnumber match the Route 1–4Selection Code?AThe dialled number is sentto the telephone company. Goes toYes NoAre 7 digits(other than Host PBXAccess codes, Carrier Exceptioncodes, and First Carrier Accesscode) dialled?Checks the Routing Plan Table (1–4)to determine which carrier to use.*2 *3 *4The correspondingRouting Plan Tableis selected.*5*6*1