Caller ID Service26 For assistance, please visit Caller ID serviceThis unit is Caller ID compatible. To useCaller ID features, you must subscribe toyour telephone company’s Caller IDservice.Caller ID featuresWhen an outside call is being received, thecalling party’s name and telephonenumber will be displayed.Caller information for the last 50 differentcallers will be logged in the caller list,allowing you to return missed calls. Callerinformation is stored by the most recentcall to the oldest.L When Caller ID information is receivedand it matches a phone number storedin the phonebook, the handset will usethe ringer tone and the ringer indicatorcolor you assigned to the caller. (RingerID and light-up ID)L While listening to a message recordedby the answering system, using thehandset, you can call back the callerwithout having to dial the phone number(page 49).L If the unit cannot receive callerinformation, the following will bedisplayed:“Out of area”: The caller dialed froman area which does not provide Caller IDservice.“Private caller”: The callerrequested not to send caller information.“Long distance”: The caller calledyou long distance.L If the unit is connected to a PBX system,caller information may not be receivedproperly. Consult your PBX supplier.Call Waiting Caller ID displayIf you subscribe to both Caller ID and CallWaiting with Caller ID services, the 2ndcaller’s information will be displayed afteryou hear a Call Waiting tone (page 22).Note:L Please contact your telephone companyfor details and availability of this servicein your area.Talking Caller IDThis feature allows you to know who iscalling without looking at the display. Whena call comes in, the handset and base unitwill announce the caller’s name displayedon the handset following every ring.To use this feature, you must subscribe toyour telephone company’s Caller IDservice.L If the unit does not receive Caller IDinformation, the unit will announce “Callfrom out of area”, “Call from privatecaller”, or “Call from long distance”.L If a call is received from an area wherename display service is not available,“Number available” will be announced.L Name pronunciation may vary. Thisfeature may not pronounce all namescorrectly.L The unit will announce each letter ofabbreviations, such as “Co.” and “Inc.”.L Caller ID supports names of up to 15letters. If the caller’s name has morethan 15 letters, the name will not bedisplayed or announced correctly.L If you subscribe to a distinctive ringservice (such as IDENTA-RING), yourunit may mute one or more of the rings inorder to announce the name of thecaller.L If the ringer volumes of the handset andbase unit are turned off, caller nameswill not be announced. Theannouncement is heard at the ringervolume (page 36, 42).Example: BROWN,NANCY1-555-666-7777