SMS (Short Message Service)35Using SMSSMS allows you to send and receive textmessages between other fixed-line andmobile phones that support compatibleSMS networks and features.Important:L To use SMS features, you must:– subscribe to a Caller ID and/or anappropriate service such as SMS.– confirm that SMS is turned on.– confirm that the correct messagecentre numbers are stored.Contact your service provider/telephone company for details andavailability.Note:L A total of 47 messages (at 160characters/message) can be saved.Total number may be more than 47 iflength of messages is less than 160characters/message.L If the unit is connected to a PBXsystem, you may not be able to useSMS features.Turning SMS on/off1 8 i {#}{3}{5}{7}2 {V}/{^}: Select the desired setting.i M i {ic}Storing SMS messagecentre numbersSMS message centre numbers must bestored in order to send and receive SMSmessages.For Czech:The message centre numbers (used forSMS services provided by TelefonicaO2) are preprogrammed in this unit. Youcan change them if necessary.For Slovakia:The message centre numbers (used forSMS service provided by SlovakTelecom - T-Com) are preprogrammedin this unit. You can change them ifnecessary.L Contact your service provider/telephone company for moreinformation.L If you change the unit’s regionsetting/reset the base unit, the storedmessage centre numbers will bedeleted or changed (page 27). In thiscase, store the numbers again ifnecessary.1 To store “Message Centre1”:8 i {#}{3}{5}{1}To store “Message Centre2”:8 i {#}{3}{5}{2}2 Edit the number as necessary. iM i {ic}Note:L For PBX users:– You need to add the PBX lineaccess number and a dialling pauseto the beginning of the MessageCentre 1 number.– If you only use the Message Centre1 number for SMS, store theMessage Centre 1 number as is(without adding a line accessnumber or dialling pause) toMessage Centre 2.TG5511-5521FX(e).book Page 35 Thursday, April 22, 2010 1:24 PM