PhonebookYou can add 3,000 names (16 characters max.)and phone numbers (24 digits max.) to thephonebook, and assign each phonebook entry tothe desired group (“Home”, “Cell 1” to “Cell4”).Important:R All entries can be shared by the base unit andany registered handset.R You can copy phonebook entries from aBluetooth cellular phone to the unit’s phonebook(page 57).Adding phonebook entriesHandset / Base unit1 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: MFN a MMENUNBase unit: M N a MMENUN2 MbN: “Add new entry” a MSELECTN3 Enter the party’s name. a MOKN4 Enter the party’s phone number. a MOKN5 MbN: Select the desired group. a MSELECTN2 times6 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: MOFFNBase unit: MEXITNNote for base unit:R You can also add entries as follows:Press M N. a MADDN a Go to step 3.Storing a redial list number to the phonebookPhone numbers of up to 24 digits can be stored inthe phonebook.Handset / Base unit1 Proceed with the operation for your unit.Handset: MEN REDIALBase unit: MREDIALN2 MbN: Select the desired phone number. aMSAVEN3 To store the name, continue from step 3,“Editing entries”, page 39.Storing caller information to the phonebookHandset1 MCN CID2 MbN: Select the desired entry.R To edit the number: MMENUN a MbN:“Edit” a MSELECTNPress MEDITN repeatedly until the phonenumber is shown in the desired format. Andthen, press MSAVEN. Go to step 5.3 MMENUN4 MbN: “Save CID” a MSELECTN5 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN6 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 39.Base unit1 MCIDN2 MbN: Select the desired entry.R To edit the number, press MEDITNrepeatedly until the phone number is shownin the desired format.3 MSAVEN4 MbN: “Phonebook” a MSELECTN5 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 39.Character table for entering namesWhile entering characters, you can switchbetween uppercase and lowercase by pressing *(A®a).Key Character1 & ’ ( ) H ,– . / 12 A B C 2a b c 23 D E F 3d e f 34 G H I 4g h i 45 J K L 5j k l 56 M N O 6m n o 6For assistance, please visit 37PhonebookTG958x_0704_ver031.pdf 37 2014/07/04 10:32:26