PhonebookYou can add 100 names (16 characters max.)and phone numbers (24 digits max.) to thephonebook, and assign each phonebook entryto the desired group (page 25).Important:R All entries can be shared by any registeredhandset.Adding phonebook entries1 MFN W a MMENUN2 MbN: “Add new entry” a MSELECTN3 Enter the party’s name. a MOKN4 Enter the party’s phone number. a MOKN5 MbN: Select the desired group. aMSELECTN 2 times a MOFFNNote:R In step 3, you can switch the language forentering characters.# a MbN: Select the desired language. aMOKNEntering charactersPress the dial key that corresponds to thedesired character. Press repeatedly to scrollthrough the available characters.The following operations are also available.Key Operation* Switch between theuppercase and lowercase(A « a)MFN MEN Move the cursorMCLEARN Erase the character or numberR To erase all, press andhold it.R To enter another character that is locatedon the same dial key, first press MEN tomove the cursor to the next space.R If you do not press any dial key within 2seconds after entering a character, thecharacter is fixed and the cursor moves tothe next space.Storing a redial list number to thephonebookPhone numbers of up to 24 digits can bestored in the phonebook.1 MEN REDIAL2 MbN: Select the desired entry. a MSAVEN3 To store the name, continue from step 3,“Editing entries”, page 26.Note:R The name stored in the phonebook will bereflected in the redial list after you make acall using that phonebook entry.Storing caller information to thephonebook1 MCN CID2 MbN: Select the desired entry. a MMENUNR To edit the number: MbN: “Edit” aMSELECTNPress MEDITN repeatedly until thephone number is shown in the desiredformat. a MSAVEN a MbN:“Phonebook” a MSELECTN a Goto step 4.3 MbN: “Save phonebook” a MSELECTN4 Continue from step 3, “Editing entries”,page 26.GroupsGroups can help you find entries in thephonebook quickly and easily. You canchange the names of groups assigned forphonebook entries (“Friends”, “Family”, etc.).By assigning different ringer tones for differentgroups of callers, you can identify who iscalling (ringer ID), if you have subscribed toCaller ID service.For assistance, please visit 25Phonebook