6.43Screen Output:PRG>VMD AT 0101:Voice Mail Dn--------------------------0Input>>DN11202:Voice Mail Dn--------------------------0Input>>DN11303:Voice Mail Dn--------------------------0Input>>DN11404:Voice Mail Dn--------------------------0Input>>DN11505:Voice Mail Dn--------------------------0|Input>>$eodD. When you have finished programming all KX-TVS100 extensions, type [$EOD] at theInput>> prompt and press ENTER. This will take you back to the PRG> prompt.Donít exit the dumb terminal mode yet. You will need to use it for Step 4.Step 4Set the Follow-on ID sequence for every extension that will have a mailbox on the KX-TVS100. Bysending an extensionís Follow-on ID sequence to the KX-TVS100 port before connecting the caller,the KX-T336 transfers unanswered calls directly to that extensionís voice mailbox. This operation isoften called Call Forward to Mailbox. Only extensions programmed as Voice Mail ports (see Step 3above) can receive Follow-on ID.A. From the dumb terminal mode PRG> prompt, type [MBN AT DNxxx](xxx = extension number).Screen output: PRG>MBN AT DN1001: Mail Box Number-------------------#6100Input>>B. At the Input>> prompt, type the Follow-on ID sequence and press ENTER. Werecommend the Follow-on ID sequence #6xxx (xxx = mailbox number). The #6 forces the KX-TVS100 into Voice Mail service regardless of port service setting (Automated Attendant, CustomService, Voice Mail)C. To program the next extension, type [$EOD] at the Input>> prompt and press ENTER. Thenpress the up arrow key (↑) to recall the previous MBN AT DNxxx command. Use the backspacekey to erase the previous extension number and enter the number of your next extension.